Understand My Dreams basa"d

Dream of time, game, candy, mistletoe, magic, offering, present, stockings, deck

Xmas Magic Slot Review - It’s time to deck the halls and grab the jackpot with the festive offering from Play’n GO, Xmas Magic. All your favourite hallmarks of the season are present as game symbols; mistletoe, candy canes, Xmas stockings

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 5 years ago on October 22, 2019

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of time in a dream

Irreversible. Continuity. Arrival or departure of feelings. Organizing your inner self.

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Meaning of game in a dream

A game could symbolize a task you must complete in your waking life. Whether you pass or fail doesn't mean you will necessarily pass or fail in real life, but pay attention to *why* you pass or fail in your dream. Did you lose time because you helped out someone who was having trouble? Did you win because you cheated? All these reflect on your waking life. A game could symbolize a task you must complete in your waking life. Whether you pass or fail doesn't mean you will necessarily pass or fail in real life, but pay attention to *why* you pass or fail in your dream. Did you lose time because you helped out someone who was having trouble? Did you win because you cheated? All these reflect on your waking life. To dream of game, either shooting or killing or by other means, denotes fortunate undertakings; but selfish motions; if you fail to take game on a hunt, it denotes bad management and loss.

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Meaning of candy in a dream

To dream of making candy, denotes profit accruing from industry. To dream of eating crisp, new candy, implies social pleasures and much love-making among the young and old. Sour candy is a sign of illness or that disgusting annoyances will grow out of confidences too long kept. To receive a box of bonbons, signifies to a young person that he or she will be the recipient of much adulation. It generally means prosperity. If you send a box you will make a proposition, but will meet with disappointment.

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Meaning of mistletoe in a dream

To dream of mistletoe, foretells happiness and great rejoicing. To the young, it omens many pleasant pastimes If seen with unpromising signs, disappointment will displace pleasure or fortune.

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Meaning of magic in a dream

Change in your affairs. Transformation. Uncontrolled power or fear. To dream of accomplishing any design by magic, indicates pleasant surprises. To see others practising this art, denotes profitable changes to all who have this dream. To dream of seeing a magician, denotes much interesting travel to those concerned in the advancement of higher education, and profitable returns to the mercenary. Magic here should not be confounded with sorcery or spiritism. If the reader so interprets, he may expect the opposite to what is here forecast to follow. True magic is the study of the higher truths of Nature.

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Meaning of offering in a dream

To bring or make an offering, foretells that you will be cringing and hypocritical unless you cultivate higher views of duty.

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Meaning of present in a dream

To receive presents in your dreams, denotes that you will be unusually fortunate. See Gifts.

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Meaning of stockings in a dream

To dream of stockings, denotes that you will derive pleasure from dissolute companionship. For a young woman to see her stockings ragged, or worn, foretells that she will be guilty of unwise, if not immoral conduct. To dream that she puts on fancy stockings, she will be fond of the attention of men, and she should be careful to whom she shows preference. If white ones appear to be on her feet, she is threatened with woeful disappointment or illness. See Knitting.

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Meaning of deck in a dream

To dream of being on a ship and that a storm is raging, great disasters and unfortunate alliances will overtake you; but if the sea is calm and the light distinct, your way is clear to success. For lovers, this dream augurs happiness. See Boat.

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Human Dream Interpreter

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Gal Faitelson
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Eli Rabanim
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Danit Elihav

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What did you dream of?