Understand My Dreams basa"d

Dream of age, angel, night, star, accepted, diamonds, skin, young, burden, distance, hidden, man, bear, dark, shooting, love, prayer, religion, hands, hair, white, light, open, sky, stars, way

I had dream last night... I stand up highest hill where the sky was open all around me. I'm looking up at the sky at night starring at the stars brights as diamonds. I see a shooting star in the sky splitting it's way through the horizon and I beleive its an angel and is going to complete a task. I hear " Come to prayer", I put my hands up and make Dua for Love. I finish my prayer and look up straight and I see a man standing infront of me with a distance of more or less 5 from me. He says "Your prayer was accepted". Then we lookup at the sky again. He is a young man, close to my age, In white cloths with dark hair, light skin, taller then me, medium build. "I seek ability by virtue of Your power, and I ask You of Your great bounty. You have power, I have none. And You know, I know not. You are the Knower of hidden things in my hearts, and you are the one who makes prayers come true, you know before I ask for, you know what's best for me, O Allah, I seek what is good for me. O Allah, if in Your knowledge, it is good for me both in this world and in the Hereafter for my life, make it easy for me, and bless it for me. And if in Your knowledge it is bad for me and for my religion for me both in this world and the next, then turn me away from it, and make it easy for me to bear the burden, so I be pleased with it." I finish my prayer abd look to my rught abd there us a mab standing. He had heard my prayer abd he says your prayer is accepted.

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 7 years ago on January 21, 2018

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of age in a dream

Approaching illness. Being deceived. Death in the family. Approaching illness. Being deceived. Death in the family. To dream of age, portends failures in any kind of undertaking. To dream of your own age, indicates that perversity of opinion will bring down upon you the indignation of relatives. For a young woman to dream of being accused of being older than she is, denotes that she will fall into bad companionship, and her denial of stated things will be brought to scorn. To see herself looking aged, intimates possible sickness, or unsatisfactory ventures. If it is her lover she sees aged, she will be in danger of losing him.

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Meaning of angel in a dream

Compassion. Revelation. Success in love. Compassion. Revelation. Success in love. Angels can represent goodness, purity, and comfort, however they can also signify an unusual disturbance in your life or your subconscious. Angels can also appear in your dream as a way of reminding you of your own mean-spirited activities. Pay attention to messages given you by an angel in your dreams. Angels can represent goodness, purity, and comfort, however they can also signify an unusual disturbance in your life or your subconscious. Angels can also appear in your dream as a way of reminding you of your own mean-spirited activities. Pay attention to messages given you by an angel in your dreams.

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Meaning of night in a dream

Darkness. Mystery. Unconscious contents. There is a mystery that you want to penetrate. If you are surrounded by night in your dreams, you may expect unusual oppression and hardships in business. If the night seems to be vanishing, conditions which hitherto seemed unfavorable will now grow bright, and affairs will assume prosperous phases. See Darkness.

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Meaning of star in a dream

Celestial object. Self-luminous. Spiritual awakening.

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Meaning of accepted in a dream

For a business man to dream that his proposition has been accepted, foretells that he will succeed in making a trade, which heretofore looked as if it would prove a failure. For a lover to dream that he has been accepted by his sweetheart, denotes that he will happily wed the object of his own and others' admiration. If this dream has been occasioned by overanxiety and weakness, the contrary may be expected. The elementary influences often play pranks upon weak and credulous minds by lying, and deceptive utterances. Therefore the dreamer should live a pure life, fortified by a strong will, thus controlling his destiny by expelling from it involuntary intrusions.

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Meaning of diamonds in a dream

To dream of owning diamonds is a very propitious dream, signifying great honor and recognition from high places. For a young woman to dream of her lover presenting her with diamonds, foreshows that she will make a great and honorable marriage, which will fill her people with honest pride; but to lose diamonds, and not find them again, is the most unlucky of dreams, foretelling disgrace, want and death. For a sporting woman to dream of diamonds, foretells for her many prosperous days and magnificent presents. For a speculator, it denotes prosperous transactions. To dream of owning diamonds, portends the same for sporting men or women. Diamonds are omens of good luck, unless stolen from the bodies of dead persons, when they foretell that your own unfaithfulness will be discovered by your friends.

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Meaning of skin in a dream

This dream is related with sensitivity. Keep calm and think carefully before you make any major decisions.

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Meaning of young in a dream

Vigor. Freshness. Need for experience and understanding. To dream of seeing young people, is a prognostication of reconciliation of family disagreements and favorable times for planning new enterprises. To dream that you are young again, foretells that you will make mighty efforts to recall lost opportunities, but will nevertheless fail. For a mother to see her son an infant or small child again, foretells that old wounds will be healed and she will take on her youthful hopes and cheerfulness. If the child seems to be dying, she will fall into ill fortune and misery will attend her. To see the young in school, foretells that prosperity and usefulness will envelope you with favors. _Yule Log_. To dream of a Yule log, foretells that your joyous anticipations will be realized by your attendance at great festivities.

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Meaning of burden in a dream

To dream that you carry a heavy burden, signifies that you will be tied down by oppressive weights of care and injustice, caused from favoritism shown your enemies by those in power. But to struggle free from it, you will climb to the topmost heights of success.

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Meaning of distance in a dream

To dream of being a long way from your residence, denotes that you will make a journey soon in which you may meet many strangers who will be instrumental in changing life from good to bad. To dream of friends at a distance, denotes slight disappointments. To dream of distance, signifies travel and a long journey. To see men plowing with oxen at a distance, across broad fields, denotes advancing prosperity and honor. For a man to see strange women in the twilight, at a distance, and throwing kisses to him, foretells that he will enter into an engagement with a new acquaintance, which will result in unhappy exposures.

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Meaning of hidden in a dream

To dream that you have hidden away any object, denotes embarrassment in your circumstances. To find hidden things, you will enjoy unexpected pleasures. For a young woman to dream of hiding objects, she will be the object of much adverse gossip, but will finally prove her conduct orderly.

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Meaning of man in a dream

To dream of a man, if handsome, well formed and supple, denotes that you will enjoy life vastly and come into rich possessions. If he is misshapen and sour-visaged, you will meet disappointments and many perplexities will involve you. For a woman to dream of a handsome man, she is likely to have distinction offered her. If he is ugly, she will experience trouble through some one whom she considers a friend.

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Meaning of bear in a dream

Possessive love. Will receive bad news. Victory over enemies. Bear is significant of overwhelming competition in pursuits of every kind. Possessive love. Will receive bad news. Bear is significant of overwhelming competition in pursuits of every kind. To kill a bear, portends extrication from former entanglements. A young woman who dreams of a bear will have a threatening rival or some misfortune.

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Meaning of dark in a dream

Mystery. The unknown and unformed. A place of fear or of potential. Difficulties ahead. To dream of darkness overtaking you on a journey, augurs ill for any work you may attempt, unless the sun breaks through before the journey ends, then faults will be overcome. To lose your friend, or child, in the darkness, portends many provocations to wrath. Try to remain under control after dreaming of darkness, for trials in business and love will beset you.

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Meaning of shooting in a dream

Destroying aspects of self. There is a deep wound within yourself. To dream that you see or hear shooting, signifies unhappiness between married couples and sweethearts because of over-weaning selfishness, also unsatisfactory business and tasks because of negligence. See Pistol.

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Meaning of love in a dream

To dream of loving any object, denotes satisfaction with your present environments. To dream that the love of others fills you with happy forebodings, successful affairs will give you contentment and freedom from the anxious cares of life. If you find that your love fails, or is not reciprocated, you will become despondent over some conflicting question arising in your mind as to whether it is best to change your mode of living or to marry and trust fortune for the future advancement of your state. For a husband or wife to dream that their companion is loving, foretells great happiness around the hearthstone, and bright children will contribute to the sunshine of the home. To dream of the love of parents, foretells uprightness in character and a continual progress toward fortune and elevation. The love of animals, indicates contentment with what you possess, though you may not think so. For a time, fortune will crown you.

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Meaning of prayer in a dream

To dream of saying prayers, or seeing others doing so, foretells you will be threatened with failure, which will take strenuous efforts to avert.

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Meaning of religion in a dream

If you dream of discussing religion and feel religiously inclined, you will find much to mar the calmness of your life, and business will turn a disagreeable front to you. If a young woman imagines that she is over religious, she will disgust her lover with her efforts to act ingenuous innocence and goodness. If she is irreligious and not a transgressor, it foretells that she will have that independent frankness and kind consideration for others, which wins for women profound respect, and love from the opposite sex as well as her own; but if she is a transgressor in the eyes of religion, she will find that there are moral laws, which, if disregarded, will place her outside the pale of honest recognition. She should look well after her conduct. If she weeps over religion, she will be disappointed in the desires of her heart. If she is defiant, but innocent of offence, she will shoulder burdens bravely, and stand firm against deceitful admonitions. If you are self-reproached in the midst of a religious excitement, you will find that you will be almost induced to give up your own personality to please some one whom you hold in reverent esteem. To see religion declining in power, denotes that your life will be more in harmony with creation than formerly. Your prejudices will not be so aggressive. To dream that a minister in a social way tells you that he has given up his work, foretells that you will be the recipient of unexpected tidings of a favorable nature, but if in a professional and warning way, it foretells that you will be overtaken in your deceitful intriguing, or other disappointments will follow. These dreams are sometimes fulfilled literally in actual life. When this is so, they may have no symbolical meaning. Religion is thrown around men to protect them from vice, so when they propose secretly in their minds to ignore its teachings, they are likely to see a minister or some place of church worship in a dream as a warning against their contemplated action. If they live pure and correct lives as indicated by the church, they will see little of the solemnity of the church or preachers.

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Meaning of hands in a dream

dreaming on hands holding you means the dream is real and will fulfill itself. dreaming on hands with coins means you have done something wrong and you want to be good again.

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Meaning of hair in a dream

Attraction and sensuality. If you dream of hair means that you are careless in your personal affairs and will lose advancement by neglecting mental application. If a woman dreams that she has beautiful hair and combs it, she will be careless in her personal affairs, and will lose advancement by neglecting mental application. For a man to dream that he is thinning his hair, foreshadows that he will become poor by his generosity, and suffer illness through mental worry. To see your hair turning gray, foretells death and contagion in the family of some relative or some friend. To see yourself covered with hair, omens indulgence in vices to such an extent as will debar you from the society of refined people. If a woman, she will resolve herself into a world of her own, claiming the right to act for her own pleasure regardless of moral codes If a man dreams that he has black, curling hair, he will deceive people through his pleasing address. He will very likely deceive the women who trust him. If a woman's hair seems black and curly, she will be threatened with seduction. If you dream of seeing a woman with golden hair, you will prove a fearless lover and be woman's true friend. To dream that your sweetheart has red hair, you will be denounced by the woman you love for unfaithfulness. Red hair usually suggests changes If you see brown hair, you will be unfortunate in choosing a career. If you see well kept and neatly combed hair, your fortune will improve. To dream you cut your hair close to the scalp, denotes that you will be generous to lavishness towards a friend. Frugality will be the fruits growing out therefrom. To see the hair growing out soft and luxuriant, signifies happiness and luxury. For a woman to compare a white hair with a black one, which she takes from her head, foretells that she will be likely to hesitate between two offers of seeming fortune, and unless she uses great care, will choose the one that will afford her loss or distress instead of pleasant fortune. To see tangled and unkempt hair, life will be a veritable burden, business will fall off, and the marriage yoke will be troublesome to carry. If a woman is unsuccessful in combing her hair, she will lose a worthy man's name by needless show of temper and disdain. For a young woman to dream of women with gray hair, denotes that they will come into her life as rivals in the affection of a male relative, or displace the love of her affianced. To dream of having your hair cut, denotes serious disappointments. For a woman to dream that her hair is falling out, and baldness is apparent, she will have to earn her own livelihood, as fortune has passed her by. For man or woman to dream that they have hair of snowy whiteness, denotes that they will enjoy a pleasing and fortunate journey through life. For a man to caress the hair of a woman, shows he will enjoy the love and confidence of some worthy woman who will trust him despite the world's condemnation. To see flowers in your hair, foretells troubles approaching which, when they come, will give you less fear than when viewed from a distance. For a woman to dream that her hair turns to white flowers, augurs that troubles of a various nature will confront her, and she does well if she strengthens her soul with patience, and endeavors to bear her trials with fortitude. To dream that a lock of your hair turns gray and falls out, is a sign of trouble and disappointment in your affairs. Sickness will cast gloom over bright expectations. To see one's hair turn perfectly white in one night, and the face seemingly young, foretells sudden calamity and deep grief. For a young woman to have this dream, signifies that she will lose her lover by a sudden sickness or accident. She will likely come to grief from some indiscretion on her part. She should be careful of her associates.

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Meaning of white in a dream

People feel they can rely on you. You have an abundance of energy and vitality. Signifies an oncoming death, or the protection of a living being. Signifies an oncoming death, or the protection of a living being.

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Meaning of light in a dream

Illumination. Vision. Ready to accept reality. Lights in a dream represent awareness, or "being able to see better." If you are changing a lightbulb that has gone out, you are trying to become more aware. If you are unable to turn on a light, you are having difficulty seeing something in your life. Daylight is a great thing to have in a dream, as it means that you have awareness of many aspects of your life related to the dream. It is not just a focused light caused by a lightbulb, but instead a large, all encompassing light! Lights in a dream represent awareness, or "being able to see better." If you are changing a lightbulb that has gone out, you are trying to become more aware. If you are unable to turn on a light, you are having difficulty seeing something in your life. Daylight is a great thing to have in a dream, as it means that you have awareness of many aspects of your life related to the dream. It is not just a focused light caused by a lightbulb, but instead a large, all encompassing light! If you dream of light, success will attend you. To dream of weird light, or if the light goes out, you will be disagreeably surprised by some undertaking resulting in nothing. To see a dim light, indicates partial success.

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Meaning of open in a dream

Entrance and exit. Exposed. Opportunity. Potential. Ready to make a choice.

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Meaning of sky in a dream

Celestial. Limitless freedom. Looking for expansion, life without limits. To dream of the sky, signifies distinguished honors and interesting travel with cultured companions, if the sky is clear. Otherwise, it portends blasted expectations, and trouble with women. To dream of floating in the sky among weird faces and animals, and wondering all the while if you are really awake, or only dreaming, foretells that all trouble, the most excruciating pain, that reach even the dullest sense will be distilled into one drop called jealousy, and will be inserted into your faithful love, and loyalty will suffer dethronement. To see the sky turn red, indicates that public disquiet and rioting may be expected. See Heaven and Illumination

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Meaning of stars in a dream

Seeing stars in a dream means you have made a right decision. The closer you see the stars, the more the decision will affect you in the future. If you only vaguely saw a starry sky, you are still thinking a lot about other decisions. Seeing stars in a dream means you have made a right decision. The closer you see the stars, the more the decision will affect you in the future. If you only vaguely saw a starry sky, you are still thinking a lot about other decisions. To dream of looking upon clear, shining stars, foretells good health and prosperity. If they are dull or red, there is trouble and misfortune ahead. To see a shooting or falling star, denotes sadness and grief. To see stars appearing and vanishing mysteriously, there will be some strange changes and happenings in your near future. If you dream that a star falls on you, there will be a bereavement in your family. To see them rolling around on the earth, is a sign of formidable danger and trying times.

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Meaning of way in a dream

To dream you lose your way, warns you to disabuse your mind of lucky speculations, as your enterprises threaten failure unless you are painstaking in your management of affairs. See Road and Path

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