Dream of baptism, fire, monster, night, party, psychic, warrior
In town at night. I was a warrior. There was a party. Someone talks about a monster. I'm psychic. Read their minds. Monster is a human. Have a seizure. Hunt monster. Baptism of fire
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of baptism in a dream
To dream of baptism, signifies that your character needs strengthening by the practice of temperance in advocating your opinions to the disparagement of your friends. To dream that you are an applicant, signifies that you will humiliate your inward self for public favor. To dream that you see John the Baptist baptizing Christ in the Jordan, denotes that you will have a desperate mental struggle between yielding yourself to labor in meagre capacity for the sustenance of others, or follow desires which might lead you into wealth and exclusiveness. To see the Holy Ghost descending on Christ, is significant of resignation to duty and abnegation of self. If you are being baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire, means that you will be thrown into a state of terror over being discovered in some lustful engagement.
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Meaning of fire in a dream
Spirit. Energy. Unpolluted and cleansing. Need to be inspired or renewed. Fire represents change, transformation, or enlightenment. It also represents passion and anger, depending on what else is going on in the dream. Fire represents change, transformation, or enlightenment. It also represents passion and anger, depending on what else is going on in the dream. Fire is favorable to the dreamer if he does not get burned. It brings continued prosperity to seamen and voyagers, as well as to those on land. To dream of seeing your home burning, denotes a loving companion, obedient children, and careful servants. For a business man to dream that his store is burning, and he is looking on, foretells a great rush in business and profitable results. To dream that he is fighting fire and does not get burned, denotes that he will be much worked and worried as to the conduct of his business. To see the ruins of his store after a fire, forebodes ill luck. He will be almost ready to give up the effort of amassing a handsome fortune and a brilliant business record as useless, but some unforeseen good fortune will bear him up again. If you dream of kindling a fire, you may expect many pleasant surprises. You will have distant friends to visit. To see a large conflagration, denotes to sailors a profitable and safe voyage. To men of literary affairs, advancement and honors; to business people, unlimited success.
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Meaning of monster in a dream
Horror and disgust. Threat. Fear of something. To dream of being pursued by a monster, denotes that sorrow and misfortune hold prominent places in your immediate future. To slay a monster, denotes that you will successfully cope with enemies and rise to eminent positions.
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Meaning of night in a dream
Darkness. Mystery. Unconscious contents. There is a mystery that you want to penetrate. If you are surrounded by night in your dreams, you may expect unusual oppression and hardships in business. If the night seems to be vanishing, conditions which hitherto seemed unfavorable will now grow bright, and affairs will assume prosperous phases. See Darkness.
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Meaning of party in a dream
Celebration. Festivity. Pleasure. Want to participate in a common activity. To dream of an unknown party of men assaulting you for your money or valuables, denotes that you will have enemies banded together against you. If you escape uninjured, you will overcome any opposition, either in business or love. To dream of attending a party of any kind for pleasure, you will find that life has much good, unless the party is an inharmonious one.
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Meaning of psychic in a dream
Extraordinary. Intuition. You are seeking limitless awareness.
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Meaning of warrior in a dream
Challenge. Honor. You are ready to confront your deepest fears.
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