Understand My Dreams

Dream of attack, bedroom, night, rain

Guy trying to attack me in bedroom. Chased me on streets at night in the rain. He was dressed as a policeman

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of attack in a dream

To dream that you attack someone, indicates that your ill-mood and temper may cause harm to another. You are releasing some pent-up frustration and anger. You feel that you have been wronged. Such feelings may be easier and safer for you to express in your dream. To dream that you are being attacked by someone, signifies questions on your character and the need for you to defend yourself. You are feeling stressed, vulnerable and helpless. You may also be faced with difficult changes in your waking life. To dream that you are being attacked by an animal, is a warning to be careful with those around you. Take notice of who you know in your waking like that shares and exhibits the same qualities of the animal that attacked you in your dream. To dream that you kill an attacking animal, signifies that your life will be saved by a stranger. To dream that you attack someone, indicates that your ill-mood and temper may cause harm to another. You are releasing some pent-up frustration and anger. You feel that you have been wronged. Such feelings may be easier and safer for you to express in your dream. To dream that you are being attacked by someone, signifies questions on your character and the need for you to defend yourself. You are feeling stressed, vulnerable and helpless. You may also be faced with difficult changes in your waking life. To dream that you are being attacked by an animal, is a warning to be careful with those around you. Take notice of who you know in your waking like that shares and exhibits the same qualities of the animal that attacked you in your dream. To dream that you kill an attacking animal, signifies that your life will be saved by a stranger.

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Meaning of bedroom in a dream

Changes in own affairs. Concealment of family secrets. Changes in own affairs. Concealment of family secrets.

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Meaning of night in a dream

Darkness. Mystery. Unconscious contents. There is a mystery that you want to penetrate. If you are surrounded by night in your dreams, you may expect unusual oppression and hardships in business. If the night seems to be vanishing, conditions which hitherto seemed unfavorable will now grow bright, and affairs will assume prosperous phases. See Darkness.

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Meaning of rain in a dream

Release. Feelings are pouring down on you. To be out in a clear shower of rain, denotes that pleasure will be enjoyed with the zest of youth, and prosperity will come to you. If the rain descends from murky clouds, you will feel alarmed over the graveness of your undertakings. To see and hear rain approaching, and you escape being wet, you will succeed in your plans, and your designs will mature rapidly. To be sitting in the house and see through the window a downpour of rain, denotes that you will possess fortune, and passionate love will be requited. To hear the patter of rain on the roof, denotes a realization of domestic bliss and joy. Fortune will come in a small way. To dream that your house is leaking during a rain, if the water is clear, foretells that illicit pleasure will come to you rather unexpectedly; but if filthy or muddy, you may expect the reverse, and also exposure. To find yourself regretting some duty unperformed while listening to the rain, denotes that you will seek pleasure at the expense of another's sense of propriety and justice. To see it rain on others, foretells that you will exclude friends from your confidence. For a young woman to dream of getting her clothes wet and soiled while out in a rain, denotes that she will entertain some person indiscreetly, and will suffer the suspicions of friends for the unwise yielding to foolish enjoyments. To see it raining on farm stock, foretells disappointment in business, and unpleasantness in social circles. Stormy rains are always unfortunate.

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