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Dream of vampires, train

I was being chased by vampires on a train

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 8 years ago on April 01, 2017

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of vampires in a dream

Seeing vampires in your dreams indicates you wish to get pregnant or ready to be a mother or father. It is the fear of the unknown. Vampires also in Nordish tradition show great expectations from the dreamer.

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Meaning of train in a dream

Followers. String. Connections. Be aware of present changes in your life. Dreaming you're on a train can symbolize you're on the right track in life. Missing a train could mean you think you've missed some sort of opportunity. Dreaming you're on a train can symbolize you're on the right track in life. Missing a train could mean you think you've missed some sort of opportunity. To see a train of cars moving in your dreams, you will soon have cause to make a journey. To be on a train and it appears to move smoothly along, though there is no track, denotes that you will be much worried over some affair which will eventually prove a source of profit to you. To see freight trains in your dreams, is an omen of changes which will tend to your elevation. To find yourself, in a dream, on top of a sleeping car, denotes you will make a journey with an unpleasant companion, with whom you will spend money and time that could be used in a more profitable and congenial way, and whom you will seek to avoid.

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Human Dream Interpreter

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Image of Gal Faitelson - a dream interpreter
Gal Faitelson
Image of Eli Rabanim - a dream interpreter
Eli Rabanim
Image of Danit Elihav - a dream interpreter
Danit Elihav

Similar Dreams

Mind I was an ancient vampire and was accompanied by a bunch of other vampires. We were outside in the day. There was a vampire who was infected with a disease that made her a canibal. I was protecting the other vampires from her because I was the only one strong and fast enough. I had the ability to read and control the minds of others. I would catch the bad vampire and lock her up but the cages were bad quality and I knew she would escape. Each of the other vampires had their own personality and potentials and I was also helping the control themselves not to eat the humans around etc. I didn't trust them though I kept a close eye on them because they could attack me and minute. One of them his face kept peeling and cracking and he kept trying to distract me by doing silly and ridiculous things

What did you dream of?