Understand My Dreams basa"d

Dream of gown, shaving, well, body, hair, keys, dressing

Three or more. Gown sensible: Be sure to outfit sensible as well as aproppriate setting. Use a exclusive style, however, not a ridulous. Dressing up sensible inside Might associated with ill fitting jeans t shirts (tip, be sure you use a top a couple of control keys un-tied at the pinnacle advertising and marketing spray around the upper body double right after shaving for men.) haversack, that you just or perhaps gelled as well as combed hair. Nevertheless ensure you outfit on your individuality and try to an event associated with constrained timeframe (Rich Wayne, Antarctica TEC). salomon trail runners

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 8 years ago on December 28, 2016

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of gown in a dream

If you dream that you are in your nightgown, you will be afflicted with a slight illness. If you see others thus clad, you will have unpleasant news of absent friends. Business will receive a back set. If a lover sees his sweetheart in her night gown, he will be superseded. See Cloths.

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Meaning of shaving in a dream

To dream that you are being shaved, portends that you will let imposters defraud you. To shave yourself, foretells that you will govern your own business and dictate to your household, notwithstanding that the presence of a shrew may cause you quarrels. If your face appears smooth, you will enjoy quiet, and your conduct will hot be questioned by your companions. If old and rough, there will be many squalls or, the matrimonial sea. If your razor is dull and pulls your face, you will give your friends cause to criticize your private life. If your beard seems gray, you will be absolutely devoid of any sense of justice to those having claims upon you. For a woman to see men shaving, foretells that her nature will become sullied by indulgence in gross pleasures. If she dreams of being shaved, she will assume so much masculinity that men will turn from her in disgust.

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Meaning of well in a dream

To dream that you are employed in a well, foretells that you will succumb to adversity through your misapplied energies. You will let strange elements direct your course. To fall into a well, signifies that overwhelming despair will possess you. For one to cave in, promises that enemies' schemes will overthrow your own. To see an empty well, denotes you will be robbed of fortune if you allow strangers to share your confidence. To see one with a pump in it, shows you will have opportunities to advance your prospects. To dream of an artesian well, foretells that your splendid resources will gain you admittance into the realms of knowledge and pleasure. To draw water from a well, denotes the fulfillment of ardent desires. If the water is impure, there will be unpleasantness.

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Meaning of body in a dream

Happiness. Good business ventures. External form of internal nature. Happiness. Good business ventures. External form of internal nature.

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Meaning of hair in a dream

Attraction and sensuality. If you dream of hair means that you are careless in your personal affairs and will lose advancement by neglecting mental application. If a woman dreams that she has beautiful hair and combs it, she will be careless in her personal affairs, and will lose advancement by neglecting mental application. For a man to dream that he is thinning his hair, foreshadows that he will become poor by his generosity, and suffer illness through mental worry. To see your hair turning gray, foretells death and contagion in the family of some relative or some friend. To see yourself covered with hair, omens indulgence in vices to such an extent as will debar you from the society of refined people. If a woman, she will resolve herself into a world of her own, claiming the right to act for her own pleasure regardless of moral codes If a man dreams that he has black, curling hair, he will deceive people through his pleasing address. He will very likely deceive the women who trust him. If a woman's hair seems black and curly, she will be threatened with seduction. If you dream of seeing a woman with golden hair, you will prove a fearless lover and be woman's true friend. To dream that your sweetheart has red hair, you will be denounced by the woman you love for unfaithfulness. Red hair usually suggests changes If you see brown hair, you will be unfortunate in choosing a career. If you see well kept and neatly combed hair, your fortune will improve. To dream you cut your hair close to the scalp, denotes that you will be generous to lavishness towards a friend. Frugality will be the fruits growing out therefrom. To see the hair growing out soft and luxuriant, signifies happiness and luxury. For a woman to compare a white hair with a black one, which she takes from her head, foretells that she will be likely to hesitate between two offers of seeming fortune, and unless she uses great care, will choose the one that will afford her loss or distress instead of pleasant fortune. To see tangled and unkempt hair, life will be a veritable burden, business will fall off, and the marriage yoke will be troublesome to carry. If a woman is unsuccessful in combing her hair, she will lose a worthy man's name by needless show of temper and disdain. For a young woman to dream of women with gray hair, denotes that they will come into her life as rivals in the affection of a male relative, or displace the love of her affianced. To dream of having your hair cut, denotes serious disappointments. For a woman to dream that her hair is falling out, and baldness is apparent, she will have to earn her own livelihood, as fortune has passed her by. For man or woman to dream that they have hair of snowy whiteness, denotes that they will enjoy a pleasing and fortunate journey through life. For a man to caress the hair of a woman, shows he will enjoy the love and confidence of some worthy woman who will trust him despite the world's condemnation. To see flowers in your hair, foretells troubles approaching which, when they come, will give you less fear than when viewed from a distance. For a woman to dream that her hair turns to white flowers, augurs that troubles of a various nature will confront her, and she does well if she strengthens her soul with patience, and endeavors to bear her trials with fortitude. To dream that a lock of your hair turns gray and falls out, is a sign of trouble and disappointment in your affairs. Sickness will cast gloom over bright expectations. To see one's hair turn perfectly white in one night, and the face seemingly young, foretells sudden calamity and deep grief. For a young woman to have this dream, signifies that she will lose her lover by a sudden sickness or accident. She will likely come to grief from some indiscretion on her part. She should be careful of her associates.

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Meaning of keys in a dream

Solution. Access. Mystery will be solved. Peace and happiness in the home.

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Meaning of dressing in a dream

To think you are having trouble in dressing, while dreaming, means some evil persons will worry and detain you from places of amusement. If you can't get dressed in time for a train, you will have many annoyances through the carelessness of others. You should depend on your own efforts as far as possible, after these dreams, if you would secure contentment and full success.

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Human Dream Interpreter

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Gal Faitelson
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Eli Rabanim
Image of Danit Elihav - a dream interpreter
Danit Elihav

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