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Dream of big, wake, building, tornados

I am in a building that has tornados all around. Many are extremely close. Then a big one actually hits us. I throw myself over someone just as it hits then I wake up.

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 8 years ago on December 20, 2016

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of big in a dream

Inflated. Generous. Riches and honors. Abundance. Inflated. Generous. Riches and honors. Abundance.

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Meaning of wake in a dream

To dream that you attend a wake, denotes that you will sacrifice some important engagement to enjoy some ill-favored assignation. For a young woman to see her lover at a wake, foretells that she will listen to the entreaties of passion, and will be persuaded to hazard honor for love.

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Meaning of building in a dream

The building represent a phallic figure. The manhood side of your inner self. To see a building falling is the destroying of the masculine side, or a man destroyed. Seeing a building in your dream represent a new area.

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Meaning of tornados in a dream

By the common belief to dream about tornado or tornados / tornadoes means your life is in a big uncertainty and you do not feel that you have control over your life. It is like a big mess and other people decide over your life. You are looking for some stability.

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Human Dream Interpreter

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Image of Gal Faitelson - a dream interpreter
Gal Faitelson
Image of Eli Rabanim - a dream interpreter
Eli Rabanim
Image of Danit Elihav - a dream interpreter
Danit Elihav

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