Understand My Dreams basa"d

Dream of court, school, staircase, shop, building, diving, stairs, learning, sky, time, fall, meeting, distance, brain, gift, cut

My dream had me going to a sky diving school several times. The meeting location was not at some small airport but an elaborate compound, with long corridors, stairs, court yards, like the Pentagon.I remember rushing through the compound each time trying to find a short cut, and i learned from prior trip to try different paths, all end up at the end through an upstair ramp or short staircase to reach the meeting destination. It is amazing how my brain works, the scenary were vivid and consistent. When I reached a certain spot it took me through familiar corridors. For example, if i decided to go through the gift shop this time it diretionally takes me to a common landing leading to the meeting place. It is like my brain pre-assembled the building and all the interior before I run through it. The sky diving itself was not spectacular. Yes at the end I did do a free fall like my instructor, for only a short time. So it was more about the journeys that took me there. Even though I tried different pathways learning from prior trips, it ended up taking about the same distance. My mental state was - I wasn't complaining but neither was I really enjoying the trips. It was more like rushing thought it each time. Why does this mean ? Thank you.

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 9 years ago on April 30, 2016

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of court in a dream

Resolution of problems. Conflicts. Fear of judgement.

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Meaning of school in a dream

Discipline. Instruction. You have the skills to resolve a problem. This type of dream relates to your current "lesson in life," and if you learn how to interpret it, you'll find out how you are progressing. If the people you used to know in your school are friendly toward you (especially people of the opposite sex), it can show you have a healthy self-esteem. This type of dream relates to your current "lesson in life," and if you learn how to interpret it, you'll find out how you are progressing. If the people you used to know in your school are friendly toward you (especially people of the opposite sex), it can show you have a healthy self-esteem. To dream of attending school, indicates distinction in literary work. If you think you are young and at school as in your youth, you will find that sorrow and reverses will make you sincerely long for the simple trusts and pleasures of days of yore. To dream of teaching a school, foretells that you will strive for literary attainments, but the bare necessities of life must first be forthcoming. To visit the schoolhouse of your childhood days, portends that discontent and discouraging incidents overshadows the present.

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Meaning of staircase in a dream

to see a staircase in your dream symbolizes change and transformation. Going up and down a staircase can represent a rise or fall in economic or social status and the general efforts that are required to accomplish life's small and large goals. Climbing may represent an achievement of your ambitions and a movement in a positive direction. Descending may symbolize your doubts or a period following hard work and achievement of a significant goal. Generally, dreaming of ascending a stairway connotes movement in a positive direction while descending is indicative of a down period or negative flow of ideas or actions. See also: Climbing It is also defined by some dream dictionaries as a link between levels of consciousness. If you are climbing the stairs, you are ascending into a higher level of consciousness, if you are descending, then you are going into a lower level of consciousness. to see a staircase in your dream symbolizes change and transformation. Going up and down a staircase can represent a rise or fall in economic or social status and the general efforts that are required to accomplish life's small and large goals. Climbing may represent an achievement of your ambitions and a movement in a positive direction. Descending may symbolize your doubts or a period following hard work and achievement of a significant goal. Generally, dreaming of ascending a stairway connotes movement in a positive direction while descending is indicative of a down period or negative flow of ideas or actions. See also: Climbing It is also defined by some dream dictionaries as a link between levels of consciousness. If you are climbing the stairs, you are ascending into a higher level of consciousness, if you are descending, then you are going into a lower level of consciousness.

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Meaning of shop in a dream

To dream of a shop, denotes that you will be opposed in every attempt you make for advancement by scheming and jealous friends.

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Meaning of building in a dream

The building represent a phallic figure. The manhood side of your inner self. To see a building falling is the destroying of the masculine side, or a man destroyed. Seeing a building in your dream represent a new area.

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Meaning of diving in a dream

Plunging into emotional depths. Feelings ready to fathom. To dream of diving in clear water, denotes a favorable termination of some embarrassment. If the water is muddy, you will suffer anxiety at the turn your affairs seem to be taking. To see others diving, indicates pleasant companions. For lovers to dream of diving, denotes the consummation of happy dreams and passionate love.

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Meaning of stairs in a dream

Up or down. Aspirations .Looking to get to certain point against all opposition. Going up and down a staircase can represent a rise or fall in economic or social status and the general efforts that are required to accomplish life's small and large goals. Climbing may represent an achievement of your ambitions and a movement in a positive direction. Descending may symbolize your doubts or a period following hard work and achievement of a significant goal. Generally, dreaming of ascending a stairway connotes movement in a positive direction while descending is indicative of a down period or negative flow of ideas or actions. See also: Climbing It is also defined by some dream dictionaries as a link between levels of consciousness. If you are climbing the stairs, you are ascending into a higher level of consciousness, if you are descending, then you are going into a lower level of consciousness. Going up and down a staircase can represent a rise or fall in economic or social status and the general efforts that are required to accomplish life's small and large goals. Climbing may represent an achievement of your ambitions and a movement in a positive direction. Descending may symbolize your doubts or a period following hard work and achievement of a significant goal. Generally, dreaming of ascending a stairway connotes movement in a positive direction while descending is indicative of a down period or negative flow of ideas or actions. See also: Climbing It is also defined by some dream dictionaries as a link between levels of consciousness. If you are climbing the stairs, you are ascending into a higher level of consciousness, if you are descending, then you are going into a lower level of consciousness. To dream of passing up a stairs, foretells good fortune and much happiness. If you fall down stairs, you will be the object of hatred and envy. To walk down, you will be unlucky in your affairs, and your lovemaking will be unfavorable. To see broad, handsome stairs, foretells approaching riches and honors. To see others going down stairs, denotes that unpleasant conditions will take the place of pleasure. To sit on stair steps, denotes a gradual rise in fortune and delight.

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Meaning of learning in a dream

To dream of learning, denotes that you will take great interest in acquiring knowledge, and if you are economical of your time, you will advance far into the literary world. To enter halls, or places of learning, denotes rise from obscurity, and finance will be a congenial adherent. To see learned men, foretells that your companions will be interesting and prominent. For a woman to dream that she is associated in any way with learned people, she will be ambitious and excel in her endeavors to rise into prominence.

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Meaning of sky in a dream

Celestial. Limitless freedom. Looking for expansion, life without limits. To dream of the sky, signifies distinguished honors and interesting travel with cultured companions, if the sky is clear. Otherwise, it portends blasted expectations, and trouble with women. To dream of floating in the sky among weird faces and animals, and wondering all the while if you are really awake, or only dreaming, foretells that all trouble, the most excruciating pain, that reach even the dullest sense will be distilled into one drop called jealousy, and will be inserted into your faithful love, and loyalty will suffer dethronement. To see the sky turn red, indicates that public disquiet and rioting may be expected. See Heaven and Illumination

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Meaning of time in a dream

Irreversible. Continuity. Arrival or departure of feelings. Organizing your inner self.

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Meaning of fall in a dream

To dream that you fall and are not frightened, signifies that you will overcome your adversities with ease. To dream that you fall and are frightened, indicates a lack of control, insecurity, and/or lack of support in your waking life. You may be experiencing some major struggle and/or overwhelming problem. It may denote that you have failed to achieve a goal that you have set forth for yourself. To dream that you are free-falling through water, indicates that you are feeling overwhelmed with emotions. You may feel that it is easier to give up, then to try to stay afloat or prevent yourself from going under. -- from dreammoods.com To dream that you fall and are not frightened, signifies that you will overcome your adversities with ease. To dream that you fall and are frightened, indicates a lack of control, insecurity, and/or lack of support in your waking life. You may be experiencing some major struggle and/or overwhelming problem. It may denote that you have failed to achieve a goal that you have set forth for yourself. To dream that you are free-falling through water, indicates that you are feeling overwhelmed with emotions. You may feel that it is easier to give up, then to try to stay afloat or prevent yourself from going under. -- from dreammoods.com To dream that you sustain a fall, and are much frightened, denotes that you will undergo some great struggle, but will eventually rise to honor and wealth; but if you are injured in the fall, you will encounter hardships and loss of friends.

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Meaning of meeting in a dream

To dream that you are in a meeting, suggests that you need to redirect your energies toward a more productive endeavor. Alternatively, you are learning to accept various aspects of yourself. To dream that you are late or miss a meeting, signifies anxieties that you are not measuring when it comes to your professional life and toward achieving your goals. You may feel unprepared in some situation or challenge in your waking life. -- From dreammoods.com To dream that you are in a meeting, suggests that you need to redirect your energies toward a more productive endeavor. Alternatively, you are learning to accept various aspects of yourself. To dream that you are late or miss a meeting, signifies anxieties that you are not measuring when it comes to your professional life and toward achieving your goals. You may feel unprepared in some situation or challenge in your waking life. -- From dreammoods.com

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Meaning of distance in a dream

To dream of being a long way from your residence, denotes that you will make a journey soon in which you may meet many strangers who will be instrumental in changing life from good to bad. To dream of friends at a distance, denotes slight disappointments. To dream of distance, signifies travel and a long journey. To see men plowing with oxen at a distance, across broad fields, denotes advancing prosperity and honor. For a man to see strange women in the twilight, at a distance, and throwing kisses to him, foretells that he will enter into an engagement with a new acquaintance, which will result in unhappy exposures.

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Meaning of brain in a dream

Intellect. Mind and reason. Great knowledge will bring good result in affairs. To see your own brain in a dream, denotes uncongenial surroundings will irritate and dwarf you into an unpleasant companion. To see the brains of animals, foretells that you will suffer mental trouble. If you eat them, you will gain knowledge, and profit unexpectedly.

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Meaning of gift in a dream

Recognition. Acknowledgment. Honor. Success and good luck. Dreaming that you've given a gift to someone can represent your generosity, or it can mean you're trying to placate that person for some wrong you perceive you've done to them. Receiving gifts can mean you are held in high esteem and valued for your own generosity. Receiving a large number of gifts can symbolize a great deal of talent and ability. Receiving a disturbing gift can represent a failure. Dreaming that you've given a gift to someone can represent your generosity, or it can mean you're trying to placate that person for some wrong you perceive you've done to them. Receiving gifts can mean you are held in high esteem and valued for your own generosity. Receiving a large number of gifts can symbolize a great deal of talent and ability. Receiving a disturbing gift can represent a failure. To dream that you receive gifts from any one, denotes that you will not be behind in your payments, and be unusually fortunate in speculations or love matters. To send a gift, signifies displeasure will be shown you, and ill luck will surround your efforts. For a young woman to dream that her lover sends her rich and beautiful gifts, denotes that she will make a wealthy and congenial marriage.

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Meaning of cut in a dream

To dream of a cut, denotes sickness or the treachery of a friend will frustrate your cheerfulness.

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Human Dream Interpreter

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Eli Rabanim
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Danit Elihav

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What did you dream of?