Dream of justice, kill me, killer
I was dating a serial killer, but didn't know until later. He was brought to justice before he could kill me.
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of justice in a dream
To dream that you demand justice from a person, denotes that you are threatened with embarrassments through the false statements of people who are eager for your downfall. If some one demands the same of you, you will find that your conduct and reputation are being assailed, and it will be extremely doubtful if you refute the charges satisfactorily.
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Meaning of kill me in a dream
To dream of someone or something trying to kill you is a quite common dream - nothing to be alarmed deeply into it, but actually we try to understand what is death and the one trying to kill us symbolize for us. Death in a dream is not death the way we see it in day to day life; Death in a dream signifies ending of something and the start of a new thing. So dreaming of something or someone trying to kill me is thinking of the ending of an era. For example your ex is trying to kill you, it actually means this is the ending of the relationship between you and your ex and your mind understands it.
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Meaning of killer in a dream
Seeing a killer in your dream signify ending. Although seeing a killer in a dream might be frightening and intimidating and one might thought it is a bad omen or a bad sign and dream but actually it is our sub-conscious trying to indicate and sign that somethings needs to end, or something is ending. It might be that we wish to end our work, it might be ending marriage or finishing collage. If the killer is killing someone in our dream it might be that we are afraid to lose this person or the other way around we wish to discontinue our relationship with this person but not necessarily wants that person to die and we might still love them.
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