Understand My Dreams basa"d

Dream of clothing

I dreamt I was packing a suitcase with my clothing as I was supposed to be travelling to Canada. Others were helping me to fold the clothing and try to fit them in the suitcase.

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 9 years ago on November 08, 2015

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of clothing in a dream

Identity. Self image. Exploration of new roles or rejection of old..Giving clothing in a dream show the dreamer wishes to be free of the modern world. Wishes to go back to childhood or connect with the inner animal tendency of us all. The dreamer gives his clothes to someone he trust meaning i have no shame infront of you.

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Human Dream Interpreter

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Image of Gal Faitelson - a dream interpreter
Gal Faitelson
Image of Eli Rabanim - a dream interpreter
Eli Rabanim
Image of Danit Elihav - a dream interpreter
Danit Elihav

Similar Dreams

I was walking towards the dark school dressing room and when i entered i felt weak and dizzy. Then a boy with blonde hair, light eyes, a white suit with headphones around his neck appeared to my right side while i was hanging my jacket and seemed concerned about me. While I was still hanging my jacket, this girl from my class appeared to my left side and she complimented me, it was something to do with my clothing possibly, I didnt hear her so i asked her to repeat herself and she said "I wasn't complimenting your face, youre ugly" she said it with a smile. In the corner of my eye i saw my crush come in the dark dressing room. After i saw some of my make classmates come in the dressing room. Then a balck screen appeared for a milisecond. The dressing room had a warm light and there wasnt anyone in the dressing room except from two guys in the dressing room who seem to be fighting about something both guys had dark hair but one was taller than the other. I was witnessing everything while i was I was sitting on a big comfy pillow seat and a guy from my class appeared to my right side and saw my confused expression and smiled, he started explaining why they were fighting, and the reason involved something to do with someones brother having autism, after he told me i felt enlightened for some reason. it was probably a lesson for me and he helped me realise something in my life. Then a balck screen appeared for a milisecond again. the dressing room had a warm light and I was sitting on the same big comfy pillow seat and there were a lot of unfamiliar people inside the dressing room and i caught a glimpse of my crush. On the big comfy pillow i was sitting on, a few seats away i saw the same blonde boy who was concerned about me and i saw other guys and one east asian guy with glasses sitting with the blonde boy. Then a boy with a grey zip up hoodie, with brown short hair, hazel eyes, slightly tan skin came in and hugged the blonde boy and he also hugged me, it was kind of a group hug, and i told him i didnt know him and he said he doesnt matter he still wanted to hug me, i didnt know any of the boys including the blonde boy or his group, as a matter of fact, i didnt know anyone in the dressing room except my crush who was in the background. Then the grey hoodie guy sat between me and the blonde boy and i leaned on the guy with the grey hoodie's shoulder while he was playing some game on his phone and chatted with the blonde boy and the other guys, but despite leaning on the grey hoodie guy's shoulder, i was ignored by him and the other guys. Then in my dream it cut to this fantasy land that included the grey hoodie guy, blonde guy, the east asian guy with glasses & the rest of the guys running around the candy field freely and happily while i was recording them from the sky, kind of like in a movie.

I was wearing black and gray clothings standing on a tall column. Doubtful to free fall kept telling myself no it will happen go.. i did and nearly half way down I turned into a raven ! And down there in the fog were two group of species one humans and the other, rock people who had lava in cracks of their faces and bodies. I as a bird flew above their heads and when i got close to the rock people it seemed like i was loosing my powers and i landed in my human version near by one of the rock people. I also had these orange circles on both of my palms and i could shoot fire with my hands. As i landed, i had lost all of my powers, my legs were heavy and I couldn’t run away from the old rock person who was getting closer with a freaky laugh saying you are now a hell member and touched me on my arm. That spot turned black. And that was it.

What did you dream of?