Dream of giant, door, path, time, triangle, cliff, flying, fighting, golden, dragon, man, saw, black, brown, night, rain
I was a brown and black dragon flying over a cliff at night. I saw a large bonfire with a triangle opening like a door. As I landed I saw a path of golden objects. I landed and stared at a golden birdcage glitter in the firelight. Then a man came up behind me and tried to stab me. I was a dragon the whole time. Then I was a dragon rider fighting a giant grey dragon in the rain.
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of giant in a dream
To dream of a giant appearing suddenly before you, denotes that there will be a great struggle between you and your opponents. If the giant succeeds in stopping your journey, you will be overcome by your enemy. If he runs from you, prosperity and good health will be yours.
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Meaning of door in a dream
Access. Ready to enter or something to keep private. Happiness and long life. A door may be seen as a calling for Christ. Jesus knocks on the door of thy home temple, and awaits for us to open up to him, and welcome him in. In thy dream if the door is open that may signify acceptance to the Lord. If in thy dream the door is shut the accecptance is yet to be known sometime somewhere. A door may be seen as a calling for Christ. Jesus knocks on the door of thy home temple, and awaits for us to open up to him, and welcome him in. In thy dream if the door is open that may signify acceptance to the Lord. If in thy dream the door is shut the accecptance is yet to be known sometime somewhere. To dream of entering a door, denotes slander, and enemies from whom you are trying in vain to escape. This is the same of any door, except the door of your childhood home. If it is this door you dream of entering, your days will be filled with plenty and congeniality. To dream of entering a door at night through the rain, denotes, to women, unpardonable escapades; to a man, it is significant of a drawing on his resources by unwarranted vice, and also foretells assignations. To see others go through a doorway, denotes unsuccessful attempts to get your affairs into a paying condition. It also means changes to farmers and the political world. To an author, it foretells that the reading public will reprove his way of stating facts by refusing to read his later works. To dream that you attempt to close a door, and it falls from its hinges, injuring some one, denotes that malignant evil threatens your friend through your unintentionally wrong advice. If you see another attempt to lock a door, and it falls from its hinges, you will have knowledge of some friend's misfortune and be powerless to aid him.
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Meaning of path in a dream
A need for change in your course of action or conduct. To dream that you are walking in a narrow and rough path, stumbling over rocks and other obstructions, denotes that you will have a rough encounter with adversity, and feverish excitement will weigh heavily upon you. To dream that you are trying to find your path, foretells that you will fail to accomplish some work that you have striven to push to desired ends. To walk through a pathway bordered with green grass and flowers, denotes your freedom from oppressing loves.
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Meaning of time in a dream
Irreversible. Continuity. Arrival or departure of feelings. Organizing your inner self.
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Meaning of triangle in a dream
Connection. Dynamic power. You are developing power by integrating internal opposition. To dream of a triangle, foretells separation from friends, and love affairs will terminate in disagreements.
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Meaning of flying in a dream
Combination of control and freedom. Power. Success in all enterprises. Flying represents freedom and often signifies a sense of control. Flying with dark colored wings can signify a sense of loss or failure. Flying with difficulty may represent feelings of struggle in your awake life. Feelings of fear while flying, or worrying that you are flying too high, may signify that you are in over your head in your awake life. Flying can also symbolize escape. to dream that you are flying signifies a sense of freedom where you had initially felt restricted and limited. Flying represents freedom and often signifies a sense of control. Flying with dark colored wings can signify a sense of loss or failure. Flying with difficulty may represent feelings of struggle in your awake life. Feelings of fear while flying, or worrying that you are flying too high, may signify that you are in over your head in your awake life. Flying can also symbolize escape. to dream that you are flying signifies a sense of freedom where you had initially felt restricted and limited. To dream of flying high through a space, denotes marital calamities. To fly low, almost to the ground, indicates sickness and uneasy states from which the dreamer will recover. To fly over muddy water, warns you to keep close with your private affairs, as enemies are watching to enthrall you. To fly over broken places, signifies ill luck and gloomy surroundings. If you notice green trees and vegetation below you in flying, you will suffer temporary embarrassment, but will have a flood of prosperity upon you. To dream of seeing the sun while flying, signifies useless worries, as your affairs will succeed despite your fears of evil. To dream of flying through the firmament passing the moon and other planets; foretells famine, wars, and troubles of all kinds. To dream that you fly with black wings, portends bitter disappointments. To fall while flying, signifies your downfall. If you wake while falling, you will succeed in reinstating yourself. For a young man to dream that he is flying with white wings above green foliage, foretells advancement in business, and he will also be successful in love. If he dreams this often it is a sign of increasing prosperity and the fulfilment of desires. If the trees appear barren or dead, there will be obstacles to combat in obtaining desires. He will get along, but his work will bring small results. For a woman to dream of flying from one city to another, and alighting on church spires, foretells she will have much to contend against in the way of false persuasions and declarations of love. She will be threatened with a disastrous season of ill health, and the death of some one near to her may follow. For a young woman to dream that she is shot at while flying, denotes enemies will endeavor to restrain her advancement into higher spheres of usefulness and prosperity.
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Meaning of fighting in a dream
Fighting could easily represent a struggle you feel you're going through in your life. The outcome of the fight could then represent your preconceived outcome for that struggle. Fighting could easily represent a struggle you feel you're going through in your life. The outcome of the fight could then represent your preconceived outcome for that struggle.
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Meaning of golden in a dream
Splendor. Treasure. Ultimate value .Approaching money. High honors. If you handle gold in your dream, you will be unusually successful in all enterprises. For a woman to dream that she receives presents of gold, either money or ornaments, she will marry a wealthy but mercenary man. To find gold, indicates that your superior abilities will place you easily ahead in the race for honors and wealth. If you lose gold, you will miss the grandest opportunity of your life through negligence. To dream of finding a gold vein, denotes that some uneasy honor will be thrust upon you. If you dream that you contemplate working a gold mine, you will endeavor to usurp the rights of others, and should beware of domestic scandals.
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Meaning of dragon in a dream
To dream of a dragon, denotes that you allow yourself to be governed by your passions, and that you are likely to place yourself in the power of your enemies through those outbursts of sardonic tendencies. You should be warned by this dream to cultivate self-control. See Devil
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Meaning of man in a dream
To dream of a man, if handsome, well formed and supple, denotes that you will enjoy life vastly and come into rich possessions. If he is misshapen and sour-visaged, you will meet disappointments and many perplexities will involve you. For a woman to dream of a handsome man, she is likely to have distinction offered her. If he is ugly, she will experience trouble through some one whom she considers a friend.
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Meaning of saw in a dream
To dream that you use a hand-saw, indicates an energetic and busy time, and cheerful home life. To see big saws in machinery, foretells that you will superintend a big enterprise, and the same will yield fair returns. For a woman, this dream denotes that she will be esteemed, and her counsels will be heeded. To dream of rusty or broken saws, denotes failure and accidents. To lose a saw, you will engage in affairs which will culminate in disaster. To hear the buzz of a saw, indicates thrift and prosperity. To find a rusty saw, denotes that you will probably restore your fortune. To carry a saw on your back, foretells that you will carry large, but profitable, responsibilities.
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Meaning of black in a dream
Black signifies isolation and transition period. It shows up conflicts and friction with relations and friends. Black is the unconscious mind, or the death of the old, like the death of an idea or end of a job, etc. Black is the unconscious mind, or the death of the old, like the death of an idea or end of a job, etc.
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Meaning of brown in a dream
This is an auspicious color to dream about:signifies freedom, success, money and happy and long-lasting union. The earth. Worldliness. The earth. Worldliness.
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Meaning of night in a dream
Darkness. Mystery. Unconscious contents. There is a mystery that you want to penetrate. If you are surrounded by night in your dreams, you may expect unusual oppression and hardships in business. If the night seems to be vanishing, conditions which hitherto seemed unfavorable will now grow bright, and affairs will assume prosperous phases. See Darkness.
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Meaning of rain in a dream
Release. Feelings are pouring down on you. To be out in a clear shower of rain, denotes that pleasure will be enjoyed with the zest of youth, and prosperity will come to you. If the rain descends from murky clouds, you will feel alarmed over the graveness of your undertakings. To see and hear rain approaching, and you escape being wet, you will succeed in your plans, and your designs will mature rapidly. To be sitting in the house and see through the window a downpour of rain, denotes that you will possess fortune, and passionate love will be requited. To hear the patter of rain on the roof, denotes a realization of domestic bliss and joy. Fortune will come in a small way. To dream that your house is leaking during a rain, if the water is clear, foretells that illicit pleasure will come to you rather unexpectedly; but if filthy or muddy, you may expect the reverse, and also exposure. To find yourself regretting some duty unperformed while listening to the rain, denotes that you will seek pleasure at the expense of another's sense of propriety and justice. To see it rain on others, foretells that you will exclude friends from your confidence. For a young woman to dream of getting her clothes wet and soiled while out in a rain, denotes that she will entertain some person indiscreetly, and will suffer the suspicions of friends for the unwise yielding to foolish enjoyments. To see it raining on farm stock, foretells disappointment in business, and unpleasantness in social circles. Stormy rains are always unfortunate.
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