Understand My Dreams basa"d

Dream of bones, laughing, eyes, above, bed, fleas, body, clothes, man

I was asleep in bed. I was awoken suddenly by a sharp tug and evil laughter. Then i opened my eyes with a man standing above me. Staring at me. All of a sudden my body was swarmed with cockroaches and fleas. Covering me. My clothes were destroyed and they began to slowly eat my flesh and crack my bones. The man appeared again and began tearing out my insides whilst laughing at me as i screamed. Then i awoke.

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 10 years ago on December 13, 2014

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of bones in a dream

Structure. Evidence. Support. Poverty and death. To see your bones protruding from the flesh, denotes that treachery is working to ensnare you. To see a pile of bones, famine and contaminating influences surround you.

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Meaning of laughing in a dream

Relaxation. Volatility. Need for spontaneity. To dream that you laugh and feel cheerful, means success in your undertakings, and bright companions socially. Laughing immoderately at some weird object, denotes disappointment and lack of harmony in your surroundings. To hear the happy laughter of children, means joy and health to the dreamer. To laugh at the discomfiture of others, denotes that you will wilfully injure your friends to gratify your own selfish desires. To hear mocking laughter, denotes illness and disappointing affairs.

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Meaning of eyes in a dream

The eyes are the mirror to our soul. To see eyes in a dream it means to look into someone soul. It might be your own or other and it means a deep connection between you and the person who's eyes belong to and that they try to communicate with you and maybe hint or message you in some way. Eyes also represent the way that we receive and acknowledge the world. Eyes shot means there is something we should notice but we are not noticing.

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Meaning of above in a dream

Higher self. Greater understanding or knowledge. Will receive good news. Higher self. Greater understanding or knowledge. Will receive good news. To see anything hanging above you, and about to fall, implies danger; if it falls upon you it may be ruin or sudden disappointment. If it falls near, but misses you, it is a sign that you will have a narrow escape from loss of money, or other misfortunes may follow. Should it be securely fixed above you, so as not to imply danger, your condition will improve after threatened loss.

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Meaning of bed in a dream

Retreat from activity. Rest. Retreat from activity. Rest. A bed, clean and white, denotes peaceful surcease of worries. For a woman to dream of making a bed, signifies a new lover and pleasant occupation. To dream of being in bed, if in a strange room, unexpected friends will visit you. If a sick person dreams of being in bed, new complications will arise, and, perhaps, death. To dream that you are sleeping on a bed in the open air, foretells that you will have delightful experiences, and opportunity for improving your fortune. To see a friend looking very pale, lying in bed, signifies strange and woeful complications will oppress your friends, bringing discontent to yourself. For a mother to dream that her child wets a bed, foretells she will have unusual anxiety, and persons sick, will not reach recovery as early as may be expected. For persons to dream that they wet the bed, denotes sickness, or a tragedy will interfere with their daily routine of business.

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Meaning of fleas in a dream

They denote sickness and minor irritations. You are feeling the need to deal with old troubles also. To dream of fleas, indicates that you will be provoked to anger and retaliation by the evil machinations of those close to you. For a woman to dream that fleas bite her, foretells that she will be slandered by pretended friends. To see fleas on her lover, denotes inconstancy.

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Meaning of body in a dream

Happiness. Good business ventures. External form of internal nature. Happiness. Good business ventures. External form of internal nature.

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Meaning of clothes in a dream

To dream of seeing clothes soiled and torn, denotes that deceit will be practised to your harm. Beware of friendly dealings with strangers. For a woman to dream that her clothing is soiled or torn, her virtue will be dragged in the mire if she is not careful of her associates. Clean new clothes, denotes prosperity. To dream that you have plenty, or an assortment of clothes, is a doubtful omen; you may want the necessaries of life. To a young person, this dream denotes unsatisfied hopes and disappointments. See Apparel.

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Meaning of man in a dream

To dream of a man, if handsome, well formed and supple, denotes that you will enjoy life vastly and come into rich possessions. If he is misshapen and sour-visaged, you will meet disappointments and many perplexities will involve you. For a woman to dream of a handsome man, she is likely to have distinction offered her. If he is ugly, she will experience trouble through some one whom she considers a friend.

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Gal Faitelson
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Eli Rabanim
Image of Danit Elihav - a dream interpreter
Danit Elihav

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