Dream of apple, tree
I am sitting on an apple tree
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of apple in a dream
Food for thought. A symbol of temptation or of wisdom, especially feminine wisdom. The apple does not fall far from the tree. When the apple is ripe it will fall. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Look to see whether the apple is being eaten, harvested, planted, falling from a tree, the color, the type, the size, the condition etc... Food for thought. A symbol of temptation or of wisdom, especially feminine wisdom. The apple does not fall far from the tree. When the apple is ripe it will fall. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Look to see whether the apple is being eaten, harvested, planted, falling from a tree, the color, the type, the size, the condition etc...
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Meaning of tree in a dream
A tree typically represents strength, stability, and growth when it is in full bloom. A tree that is losing its leaves invites reflection and seclusion. New growth on trees may symbolize your development in some regard. A tree typically represents strength, stability, and growth when it is in full bloom. A tree that is losing its leaves invites reflection and seclusion. New growth on trees may symbolize your development in some regard.
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