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Dream of captive, cellar, rogue

I am held captive by a rogue robot who keeps me n a cellar and rapes me. He tortures me and is obsessed with me.

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 11 years ago on April 07, 2014

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of captive in a dream

To dream that you are a captive, denotes that you may have treachery to deal with, and if you cannot escape, that injury and misfortune will befall you. To dream of taking any one captive, you will join yourself to pursuits and persons of lowest status. For a young woman to dream that she is a captive, denotes that she will have a husband who will be jealous of her confidence in others; or she may be censured for her indiscretion.

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Meaning of cellar in a dream

To dream of being in a cold, damp cellar, you will be oppressed by doubts. You will lose confidence in all things and suffer gloomy forebodings from which you will fail to escape unless you control your will. It also indicates loss of property. To see a cellar stored with wines and table stores, you will be offered a share in profits coming from a doubtful source. If a young woman dreams of this she will have an offer of marriage from a speculator or gambler.

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Meaning of rogue in a dream

To see or think yourself a rogue, foretells you are about to commit some indiscretion which will give your friends uneasiness of mind. You are likely to suffer from a passing malady. For a woman to think her husband or lover is a rogue, foretells she will be painfully distressed over neglect shown her by a friend.

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Human Dream Interpreter

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Image of Gal Faitelson - a dream interpreter
Gal Faitelson
Image of Eli Rabanim - a dream interpreter
Eli Rabanim
Image of Danit Elihav - a dream interpreter
Danit Elihav

Similar Dreams

I am in a large, turn of the century house. I wander through it, looking for someone, but I can't remember who - or who owns the house. The dream is vivid. I can hear chickens, smell dust and mustiness in rarely used spaces, I can pick up and examine objects (many of which I remember from somewhere. These things are detailed, often personal, lovely but I can't remember who they belong to or if they might have been mine at that time somehow), I can feel the heat of the fire in the stove and delight at using the water pump in the summer kitchen. It all feels familiar as I search the house up to the attic and then down (very steep, narrow stairs to that attic!) When I get to the cellar door in the kitchen, I start to feel foreboding - but compelled to keep searching. As I go down the stairs to the cellar, I can identify the coal shed door, on old cast iron heater of some kind and another door. I look through the cellar, open the door to the coal shed and then approach the other door. It is identifiably different or out of place but I can't pin down exactly how it is different or what makes it out of place. I do "know" that I am strongly compelled to open it - and too terrified to. Extreme dread and foreboding when I reach for that doorknob usually wake me - sometimmes screaming. I have wakened my family peiodically through my life with this. I can't remember the first time I had the dream but I've had it throughout my life. It tends to leave me very nervous and unsettled, sometimes for days.

What did you dream of?