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Dream of river, clams

I dream collecting plenty of clams at the river

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 11 years ago on March 19, 2014

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of river in a dream

Emptying. Flowing and active. Thinking is time to get rid of some feelings. If you see a clear, smooth, flowing river in your dream, you will soon succeed to the enjoyment of delightful pleasures, and prosperity will bear flattering promises. If the waters are muddy or tumultuous, there will be disagreeable and jealous contentions in your life. If you are water-bound by the overflowing of a river, there will be temporary embarrassments in your business, or you will suffer uneasiness lest some private escapade will reach public notice and cause your reputation harsh criticisms. If while sailing upon a clear river you see corpses in the bottom, you will find that trouble and gloom will follow swiftly upon present pleasures and fortune. To see empty rivers, denotes sickness and unusual ill-luck.

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Meaning of clams in a dream

Dealings with an obstinate but honest person. Will enjoy a comfortable life. To dream of clams, denotes you will have dealings with an obstinate but honest person. To eat them, foretells you will enjoy another's prosperity. For a young woman to dream of eating baked clams with her sweetheart, foretells that she will enjoy his money as well as his confidence.

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Gal Faitelson
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Eli Rabanim
Image of Danit Elihav - a dream interpreter
Danit Elihav

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