Understand My Dreams

Dream of blue, forest, running, smell, wolf, eyes

I am running through a forest but I am shorter, my eyesight is clearer , I can also smell everything. I feel like I'm running on all fours.I get to a small stream and I look at my reflection and I am a rustish brownish wolf wilt blue eyes

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of blue in a dream

This dream denotes a great source of inner peace and a symbol of contentment.

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Meaning of forest in a dream

Natural forces. Social activities of a happy nature. Ready to explore. To dream that you find yourself in a dense forest, denotes loss in trade, unhappy home influences and quarrels among families. If you are cold and feel hungry, you will be forced to make a long journey to settle some unpleasant affair. To see a forest of stately trees in foliage, denotes prosperity and pleasures. To literary people, this dream foretells fame and much appreciation from the public. A young lady relates the following dream and its fulfilment: ``I was in a strange forest of what appeared to be cocoanut trees, with red and yellow berries growing on them. The ground was covered with blasted leaves, and I could hear them crackle under my feet as I wandered about lost. The next afternoon I received a telegram announcing the death of a dear cousin.''

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Meaning of running in a dream

No restraint. Freedom. Distance. There is something that you want to escape from. To dream of running in company with others, is a sign that you will participate in some festivity, and you will find that your affairs are growing towards fortune. If you stumble or fall, you will lose property and reputation. Running alone, indicates that you will outstrip your friends in the race for wealth, and you will occupy a higher place in social life. If you run from danger, you will be threatened with losses, and you will despair of adjusting matters agreeably. To see others thus running, you will be oppressed by the threatened downfall of friends. To see stock running, warns you to be careful in making new trades or undertaking new tasks.

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Meaning of smell in a dream

Scent. Intuition based on senses. Ask yourself about a present situation,how does it smells.

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Meaning of wolf in a dream

The wolf has a somewhat poor reputation in Western mythology, ‘Little red Riding Cap/Hood’, the proverbial ‘Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing’ et cetera. It only needs one wolf to be on the prowl for shutters to be put up and people to tremble. It is not the supposed murderous tendencies of the wolf that provoke one’s fears; it is an almost sacred terror, an old dream deep in the collective unconscious. It seems that this dream has to do with a supposed understanding between wolves and men in a long-lost paradise. The wolf is charged with a vast range of symbolic values, and the dreams in which it appears are always felt to be powerful and consequently important. The wolf is perhaps purely "the beast", which appears from nowhere, wreaks devastation, and vanishes without trace, leaving carnage in its wake. In mythology, its role is sometimes benevolent, sometimes satanic. The wolf sees in the dark, so is symbolic of light and the sun. The wolf can be the solitary hero who defies the hunters. It is a symbol of intelligence and courage, but it is also the devourer of children, the werewolf, a demon from Hell. In dreams, the wolf acquires the importance that we attribute to it. It is often a part of the self, positive or negative. It can represent solitude and self-absorption, and retreat from relations with others, but it can symbolize instinct too; the instinct that certain people can only keep locked inside. The wolf can also represent a "devouring" character that we carry within us, a father or mother for instance. It often represents a social character of this nature, for a man may be "a wolf towards other men or women, but a wolf seldom behaves badly towards other wolves. The wolf has a somewhat poor reputation in Western mythology, ‘Little red Riding Cap/Hood’, the proverbial ‘Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing’ et cetera. It only needs one wolf to be on the prowl for shutters to be put up and people to tremble. It is not the supposed murderous tendencies of the wolf that provoke one’s fears; it is an almost sacred terror, an old dream deep in the collective unconscious. It seems that this dream has to do with a supposed understanding between wolves and men in a long-lost paradise. The wolf is charged with a vast range of symbolic values, and the dreams in which it appears are always felt to be powerful and consequently important. The wolf is perhaps purely "the beast", which appears from nowhere, wreaks devastation, and vanishes without trace, leaving carnage in its wake. In mythology, its role is sometimes benevolent, sometimes satanic. The wolf sees in the dark, so is symbolic of light and the sun. The wolf can be the solitary hero who defies the hunters. It is a symbol of intelligence and courage, but it is also the devourer of children, the werewolf, a demon from Hell. In dreams, the wolf acquires the importance that we attribute to it. It is often a part of the self, positive or negative. It can represent solitude and self-absorption, and retreat from relations with others, but it can symbolize instinct too; the instinct that certain people can only keep locked inside. The wolf can also represent a "devouring" character that we carry within us, a father or mother for instance. It often represents a social character of this nature, for a man may be "a wolf towards other men or women, but a wolf seldom behaves badly towards other wolves. To dream of a wolf, shows that you have a thieving person in your employ, who will also betray secrets. To kill one, denotes that you will defeat sly enemies who seek to overshadow you with disgrace. To hear the howl of a wolf, discovers to you a secret alliance to defeat you in honest competition.

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Meaning of eyes in a dream

The eyes are the mirror to our soul. To see eyes in a dream it means to look into someone soul. It might be your own or other and it means a deep connection between you and the person who's eyes belong to and that they try to communicate with you and maybe hint or message you in some way. Eyes also represent the way that we receive and acknowledge the world. Eyes shot means there is something we should notice but we are not noticing.

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Similar Dreams

I had an odd dream where I was at an airport that I saw on a map, was like smack back in the middle of somehow, both LA and San Francisco. It was like dusk, just on the cusp of the sun setting. From where I can remember the dream starting, I was in a much smaller jet, talking to my GF, when I suddenly realised somehow, that I wasn't on that plane, but another one, and it was exactly the time my flight was supposed to be flying out. I quickly gathered my stuff, and prepared to run off the plane, across the airport in the hope I could get to my own plane. I got out onto a relatively empty tarmac, before realising (and placing a great deal of importance) on the fact I had not kissed my GF goodbye, and despite the fact I was already in a hurry and late, ran back to give her a kiss and a hug. To which she seemed too busy to facilitate quickly anyway, but I did end up getting a quick one in. I dont remember my journey across the airport, but somehow I end up at a set of doors where I need my ticket to proceed. In looking for my ticket which I am suddenly unable to find, I drop a bottle of water. An airport member acts like I dropped this bottle of water with attitude, on purpose. And basically tells me to cool my attitude. This causes me to get an attitude, and I respondly snarikly with "you think I did that on purpose? If I wanted to do it on purpose, id do more than that. Oddly also the bottle I dropped, was like the size of my thumb. Eventually this worker after finding out whats going on offers to take me in and sort me out. As they are taking me in, I see a queue of normal passengers. For a brief moment, a man staring at me, deep into my soul, like straight into my eyes, is a dead ringer for my grandfather who passed a few months ago. It out and out looked like him. When I looked away and back again however, he looked completely different. At any rate, they start helping me at the desk, and we are talking and the conversation, I explain what occurred, and that I was just stressed because I couldn't find my ticket etc, and the woman goes "And dont worry hun, thats why we are going to sort you out"..."and that'll be 2300 dollars" I exclaim that I thought they were just helping me look up *my* ticket, not charge me for a whole new ticket. I exclaim that I dont want a new ticket, and I run from the desk and drop to the ground to look through my bag yet again. This time, I am able to find my ticket. It turns out it was folded up in my passport all along! I wave the ticket at them, and run past the line of people, oddly up to a door with no secuty staff on it, but just a button that you hit that opens the door and lets you through. It's at about this point the dream ended. I know dreams dont really mean anything, but what could this dream be suggestive of?

What did you dream of?