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Dream of paper, asparagus

I rolled a bunch of asparagus in a paper towel, smoked it like a blunt, and got high

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 11 years ago on October 22, 2013

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of paper in a dream

A blank sheet of paper can mean you wish to try something new or make a fresh start. Many papers can mean you feel overwhelmed with stress or responsibility. A blank sheet of paper can mean you wish to try something new or make a fresh start. Many papers can mean you feel overwhelmed with stress or responsibility.

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Meaning of asparagus in a dream

To dream of asparagus, signifies prosperous surroundings and obedience from servants and children. To eat it, denotes interrupted success.

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Human Dream Interpreter

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Image of Gal Faitelson - a dream interpreter
Gal Faitelson
Image of Eli Rabanim - a dream interpreter
Eli Rabanim
Image of Danit Elihav - a dream interpreter
Danit Elihav

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Dream Interpreter AI Logo Dream Interpreter AI™ Interpret | Art | Map | Login Please login and verify your email to continue using Dream Interpreter AI Enter your email I would like to receive marketing updates from Dream Interpreter AI Submit 13/12/2023 I saw a girl who was sitting with what looked like other girls and she asked for my phone number and I agreed to give it to her and I was asked to put it on paper and afterwards we became close because I had my hand over her shoulder and after that I went to a shop from my hometown and I bought snacks and food for preparation for something and after that I checked for the time on my phone and it was 9pm something

What did you dream of?