I have started having chronic nightmares it seems. Two nights ago I had a nightmare about my husband divorcing me. All I remember from that one is sitting in an office signing papers and I kept thinking that I have to change back to my maiden name. I felt horribly sad and devastated. (Just a weird side note) I went to work the next day in my waking life, and as I got off my bus a lady handed me a card that said something like "do you need a divorce lawyer?" Last night I had 2 nightmares. In the first one my dad died. I don't know how or why but I remember feeling regretful about the last time I saw him. Then I woke up, went back to sleep and had this dream. I work as a daycare teacher and in the dream I was working, however we had to have the children at a different location. This place happened to be one of the last places I worked. We had them outside for some reason but we couldn't keep track if them and it stressed me out. I saw one running after a ball and I chased her calling her name. She didnt answer. I chased her to where my old classroom was however it had changed into someone's house. It was dark and a young man was there with 2 topless females. Suddenly the dream changed. I was now in another new area on vacation with my family. I was walking down the street to where I was staying and I saw a dog panicking. His owner wouldn't let him in the house. I took him with me but my dad wouldn't let me keep him inside. I remember saying "what if something bad really does happen out there though?" There were rumors of end of the world scenarios goin on in the dream. At any rate I let the dog out. Then I heard a clicking noise and looked out the window. I saw a flash of light and then a big growing cloud of smoke. I went to wake up my mom and se didn't believe me at first. I looked out the window again and I saw the smoke getting closer. I was scared of the smoke and left in a car on my own. I drove away from the smoke then I heard 3 more clicks and flashes of light ahead of me. My windshield cracked and I began driving into the smoke. then i woke up. Interpretations please! February 03, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis