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Dream of church, father, god, home, play

My paternal father was like a Pastor in a church where he was calling on people to come share their testimonies. I had prepared my testimony of what God has done for me in a presentation slides for him to play but he simply refused to accept it. So I got angry, packed my laptop and left the church for home

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 12 years ago on June 06, 2013

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of church in a dream

Big happiness. Being loved by God. Spiritual belief. If you are standing in the churchyard, looking at the church, this is a symbol of great times to come. Dreaming of being alone in an empty church, however, indicates rough times ahead that will nonetheless be resolved. A church full of people singing or praying, or observing a wedding or christening, is an omen of happiness and spiritual progress. Dreaming of a funeral, however, means the death of a longtime dream. If you are standing in the churchyard, looking at the church, this is a symbol of great times to come. Dreaming of being alone in an empty church, however, indicates rough times ahead that will nonetheless be resolved. A church full of people singing or praying, or observing a wedding or christening, is an omen of happiness and spiritual progress. Dreaming of a funeral, however, means the death of a longtime dream. To dream of seeing a church in the distance, denotes disappointment in pleasures long anticipated. To enter one wrapt in gloom, you will participate in a funeral. Dull prospects of better times are portended.

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Meaning of father in a dream

Authority. Control. Guidance. Recognition. Happiness. Virtue. To dream of your father, signifies that you are about to be involved in a difficulty, and you will need wise counsel if you extricate yourself therefrom. If he is dead, it denotes that your business is pulling heavily, and you will have to use caution in conducting it. For a young woman to dream of her dead father, portends that her lover will, or is, playing her false.

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Meaning of god in a dream

Intense enjoyment. Divine masculine. Creation. High ambitions. If you dream of seeing God, you will be domineered over by a tyrannical woman masquerading under the cloak of Christianity. No good accrues from this dream. If God speaks to you, beware that you do not fall into condemnation. Business of all sorts will take an unfavorable turn. It is the forerunner of the weakening of health and may mean early dissolution. If you dream of worshiping God, you will have cause to repent of an error of your own making. Look well to observing the ten commandments after this dream. To dream that God confers distinct favors upon you, you will become the favorite of a cautious and prominent person who will use his position to advance yours. To dream that God sends his spirit upon you, great changes in your beliefs will take place. Views concerning dogmatic Christianity should broaden after this dream, or you may be severely chastised for some indiscreet action which has brought shame upon you. God speaks oftener to those who transgress than those who do not. It is the genius of spiritual law or economy to reinstate the prodigal child by signs and visions. Elijah, Jonah, David, and Paul were brought to the altar of repentence through the vigilant energy of the hidden forces within.

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Meaning of home in a dream

Center of being. Spiritual self. Shelter. Basic need fulfilled. Happiness within the family. To dream of visiting your old home, you will have good news to rejoice over. To see your old home in a dilapidated state, warns you of the sickness or death of a relative. For a young woman this is a dream of sorrow. She will lose a dear friend. To go home and find everything cheery and comfortable, denotes harmony in the present home life and satisfactory results in business. See Abode.

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Meaning of play in a dream

For a young woman to dream that she attends a play, foretells that she will be courted by a genial friend, and will marry to further her prospects and pleasure seeking. If there is trouble in getting to and from the play, or discordant and hideous scenes, she will be confronted with many displeasing surprises. See Theater.

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