Understand My Dreams basa"d

Dream of jolly


This dream was added to the dreams database first time 12 years ago on May 29, 2013

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of jolly in a dream

To dream that you feel jolly and are enjoying the merriment of companions, you will realize pleasure from the good behavior of children and have satisfying results in business. If there comes the least rift in the merriment, worry will intermingle with the success of the future.

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Human Dream Interpreter

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Image of Gal Faitelson - a dream interpreter
Gal Faitelson
Image of Eli Rabanim - a dream interpreter
Eli Rabanim
Image of Danit Elihav - a dream interpreter
Danit Elihav

Similar Dreams

My dream begins with My dad, his wife and my two half sisters driving home from a family get together in the country. It was well after dark and the girls were fussy and over tired. We saw out the window a small but unfamilliar church as we drove down one of the historical roads with the overarching oak trees (you know , the kind of streets you aren’t allowed to build on or develop?) . From the car we could see the lights in the church were on and people were inhabiting it despite It being late. Dad call from the driver seat , “ hey, Maybe we should go pay them a visit” and I was like “no dad, It’s 11 o’clock at night. Plus, you cant just invite yourself into a church function that’s weird and impolite. “ You just don’t want to go say hi because you think christians are weird” I stopped arguing as we pulled into the empty parking lot ( where were the attendees parking?) . So walked into the church and said hello . The people there were all plump and friendly, and they greeted us as if they expected our company. There was a girl my age wearing a purple sweater that matched the brackets of her braces who wouldn’t stop asking me were I wanted to go to college. The mood changed from jolly to forboding as we decided to leave. The people we met in the church followed us to our car urging us to stay . As we drove home I saw the same church front appear in different places on the route home. Everything seemingly returned to the status quo as we ended our trip and got settled in at home. All the while I was obsessing about the bizarre church and the even stranger people within it . who were they ? Where were their cars? Why were they at church in the middle of the night, in the first place? The next day in chemistry I was telling a friend ( a kid in my chemistry class that I actually can’t stand) about the mysterious encounter and my plan to return the following night. he was like “ whoa , that’s spooky, Don’t go!” and I was like “ I’m definitely going” He said “well, in that case , I’m coming with you” So, we drove out to where the church was passing a few identical churches on the way. We went back to the original site of the church and entered. Its patrons hadn’t left . When we enter they all came at us trying to restrain us. Before they were upon us I tried to reopen the door and escape. I had locked automatically. Then just when the situation seemed most dire, my friend pulled out a pocket knife , and broke a window through which we escaped and sped away in my car. The Church building followed us , popping up sporadically on streets that had been empty before.

What did you dream of?