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Dream of king, warrior

I dreamt about o parable of the ghetto among african americans thy struggle speaks with a proverb of wrath among thy ancestry o the warrior proverbs thy know mark zuckerberg is the king of snitch yes let

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 12 years ago on March 23, 2013

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of king in a dream

Noble aspect of masculinity. Good fortune. Power. Rebellion in own home. To dream of a king, you are struggling with your might, and ambition is your master. To dream that you are crowned king, you will rise above your comrades and co-workers. If you are censured by a king, you will be reproved for a neglected duty. For a young woman to be in the presence of a king, she will marry a man whom she will fear. To receive favors from a king, she will rise to exalted positions and be congenially wedded.

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Meaning of warrior in a dream

Challenge. Honor. You are ready to confront your deepest fears.

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Eli Rabanim
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