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Dream of alien, christ, transfiguration

I had a dream about transfiguration of christ was alien technology

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 12 years ago on March 16, 2013

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of alien in a dream

Distant, strange, or unrecognized. Distant, strange, or unrecognized. To dream of a stranger pleasing you, denotes good health and pleasant surroundings; if he displeases you, look for disappointments. To dream you are an alien, denotes abiding friendships.

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Meaning of christ in a dream

Higher consciousness. Salvation. Peace, joy and contentment. Consolation. To dream of beholding Christ, the young child, worshiped by the wise men, denotes many peaceful days, full of wealth and knowledge, abundant with joy, and content. If in the garden of the Gethsemane, sorrowing adversity will fill your soul, great longings for change and absent objects of love will be felt. To see him in the temple scourging the traders, denotes that evil enemies will be defeated and honest endeavors will prevail.

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Meaning of transfiguration in a dream

To dream of the transfiguration, foretells that your faith in man's own nearness to God will raise you above trifling opinions, and elevate you to a worthy position, in which capacity you will be able to promote the well being of the ignorant and persecuted. To see yourself transfigured, you will stand high in the esteem of honest and prominent men.

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