Dream of mud, path, fall, bear, teeth, red, crying, giant, girls, door, fence, garden, plants, big, file, hug, field, dog, party, way
A garden party, with everyone dressed in red uniforms. There are huge plants with big teeth and tongues, like the equivalent of pets. I fall off the trampoline and into the mud. People leave through other gardens, separated only by a short fence. Girls group hug on their way out on a path and they all fall. Plant turns nasty to one guy and tries to eat him. We flee, and end up in a huge field with my dog, whom my Mum lets off leash. There is a giant bear-like creature approaching and I shout for my dog. When he returns, after much crying and distress, we all file theough a door into safety.
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of mud in a dream
Slanderous charges. Messy feelings. Family disturbances. To dream that you walk in mud, denotes that you will have cause to lose confidence in friendships, and there will be losses and disturbances in family circles. To see others walking in mud, ugly rumors will reach you of some friend or employee. To the farmer, this dream is significant of short crops and unsatisfactory gains from stock. To see mud on your clothing, your reputation is being assailed. To scrape it off, signifies that you will escape the calumny of enemies.
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Meaning of path in a dream
A need for change in your course of action or conduct. To dream that you are walking in a narrow and rough path, stumbling over rocks and other obstructions, denotes that you will have a rough encounter with adversity, and feverish excitement will weigh heavily upon you. To dream that you are trying to find your path, foretells that you will fail to accomplish some work that you have striven to push to desired ends. To walk through a pathway bordered with green grass and flowers, denotes your freedom from oppressing loves.
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Meaning of fall in a dream
To dream that you fall and are not frightened, signifies that you will overcome your adversities with ease. To dream that you fall and are frightened, indicates a lack of control, insecurity, and/or lack of support in your waking life. You may be experiencing some major struggle and/or overwhelming problem. It may denote that you have failed to achieve a goal that you have set forth for yourself. To dream that you are free-falling through water, indicates that you are feeling overwhelmed with emotions. You may feel that it is easier to give up, then to try to stay afloat or prevent yourself from going under. -- from dreammoods.com To dream that you fall and are not frightened, signifies that you will overcome your adversities with ease. To dream that you fall and are frightened, indicates a lack of control, insecurity, and/or lack of support in your waking life. You may be experiencing some major struggle and/or overwhelming problem. It may denote that you have failed to achieve a goal that you have set forth for yourself. To dream that you are free-falling through water, indicates that you are feeling overwhelmed with emotions. You may feel that it is easier to give up, then to try to stay afloat or prevent yourself from going under. -- from dreammoods.com To dream that you sustain a fall, and are much frightened, denotes that you will undergo some great struggle, but will eventually rise to honor and wealth; but if you are injured in the fall, you will encounter hardships and loss of friends.
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Meaning of bear in a dream
Possessive love. Will receive bad news. Victory over enemies. Bear is significant of overwhelming competition in pursuits of every kind. Possessive love. Will receive bad news. Bear is significant of overwhelming competition in pursuits of every kind. To kill a bear, portends extrication from former entanglements. A young woman who dreams of a bear will have a threatening rival or some misfortune.
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Meaning of teeth in a dream
Normally an unfavorable sign in a dream. It signifies displeasure and also shows that you are afraid of losing someone dear to you. An ordinary dream of teeth augurs an unpleasant contact with sickness, or disquieting people. If you dream that your teeth are loose, there will be failures and gloomy tidings. If the doctor pulls your tooth, you will have desperate illness, if not fatal; it will be lingering. To have them filled, you will recover lost valuables after much uneasiness. To clean or wash your teeth, foretells that some great struggle will be demanded of you in order to preserve your fortune. To dream that you are having a set of teeth made, denotes that severe crosses will fall upon you, and you will strive to throw them aside. If you lose your teeth, you will have burdens which will crush your pride and demolish your affairs. To dream that you have your teeth knocked out, denotes sudden misfortune. Either your business will suffer, or deaths or accidents will come close to you. To examine your teeth, warns you to be careful of your affairs, as enemies are lurking near you. If they appear decayed and snaggled, your business or health will suffer from intense strains. To dream of spitting out teeth, portends personal sickness, or sickness in your immediate family. Imperfect teeth is one of the worst dreams. It is full of mishaps for the dreamer. A loss of estates, failure of persons to carry out their plans and desires, bad health, depressed conditions of the nervous system for even healthy persons. For one tooth to fall out, foretells disagreeable news; if two, it denotes unhappy states that the dreamer will be plunged into from no carelessness on his part. If three fall out, sickness and accidents of a very serious nature will follow. Seeing all the teeth drop out, death and famine usually will prevail. If the teeth are decayed and you pull them out, the same, only yourself, is prominent in the case. To dream of tartar or any deposit falling off of the teeth and leaving them sound and white, is a sign of temporary indisposition, which will pass, leaving you wiser in regard to conduct, and you will find enjoyment in the discharge of duty. To admire your teeth for their whiteness and beauty, foretells that pleasant occupations and much happiness will be experienced through the fulfilment of wishes. To dream that you pull one of your teeth and lose it, and feeling within your mouth with your tongue for the cavity, and failing to find any, and have a doctor for the same, but to no effect, leaving the whole affair enveloped in mystery, denotes that you are about to enter into some engagement which does not exactly please you, and which you decide to ignore, but will later take it up and secretly prosecute it to your own disquieting satisfaction and under the suspicion of friends. To dream that a dentist cleans your teeth perfectly, and the next morning you find them rusty, foretells you will believe your interest secure concerning some person or position, but you will find that they have succumbed to the blandishments of an artful man or woman.
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Meaning of red in a dream
This is an indication of great passion and sensitivity in your emotional relationships. passion in romantic relationships. Passion, vigor, power, sexuality. Possibly shame. passion in romantic relationships. Passion, vigor, power, sexuality. Possibly shame.
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Meaning of crying in a dream
Emotional release. Grief. Domestic trials are on the way. Emotions need to be released. To dream of crying, is a forerunner of illusory pleasures, which will subside into gloom, and distressing influences affecting for evil business engagements and domestic affairs. To see others crying, forbodes unexpected calls for aid from you.
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Meaning of giant in a dream
To dream of a giant appearing suddenly before you, denotes that there will be a great struggle between you and your opponents. If the giant succeeds in stopping your journey, you will be overcome by your enemy. If he runs from you, prosperity and good health will be yours.
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Meaning of girls in a dream
To dream of seeing a well, bright-looking girl, foretells pleasing prospects and domestic joys. If she is thin and pale, it denotes that you will have an invalid in your family, and much unpleasantness. For a man to dream that he is a girl, he will be weak-minded, or become an actor and play female parts.
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Meaning of door in a dream
Access. Ready to enter or something to keep private. Happiness and long life. A door may be seen as a calling for Christ. Jesus knocks on the door of thy home temple, and awaits for us to open up to him, and welcome him in. In thy dream if the door is open that may signify acceptance to the Lord. If in thy dream the door is shut the accecptance is yet to be known sometime somewhere. A door may be seen as a calling for Christ. Jesus knocks on the door of thy home temple, and awaits for us to open up to him, and welcome him in. In thy dream if the door is open that may signify acceptance to the Lord. If in thy dream the door is shut the accecptance is yet to be known sometime somewhere. To dream of entering a door, denotes slander, and enemies from whom you are trying in vain to escape. This is the same of any door, except the door of your childhood home. If it is this door you dream of entering, your days will be filled with plenty and congeniality. To dream of entering a door at night through the rain, denotes, to women, unpardonable escapades; to a man, it is significant of a drawing on his resources by unwarranted vice, and also foretells assignations. To see others go through a doorway, denotes unsuccessful attempts to get your affairs into a paying condition. It also means changes to farmers and the political world. To an author, it foretells that the reading public will reprove his way of stating facts by refusing to read his later works. To dream that you attempt to close a door, and it falls from its hinges, injuring some one, denotes that malignant evil threatens your friend through your unintentionally wrong advice. If you see another attempt to lock a door, and it falls from its hinges, you will have knowledge of some friend's misfortune and be powerless to aid him.
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Meaning of fence in a dream
Boundary. Separation. Where differences meet. To dream of climbing to the top of a fence, denotes that success will crown your efforts. To fall from a fence, signifies that you will undertake a project for which you are incapable, and you will see your efforts come to naught. To be seated on a fence with others, and have it fall under you, denotes an accident in which some person will be badly injured. To dream that you climb through a fence, signifies that you will use means not altogether legitimate to reach your desires. To throw the fence down and walk into the other side, indicates that you will, by enterprise and energy, overcome the stubbornest barriers between you and success. To see stock jumping a fence, if into your enclosure, you will receive aid from unexpected sources; if out of your lot, loss in trade and other affairs may follow. To dream of building a fence, denotes that you are, by economy and industry, laying a foundation for future wealth. For a young woman, this dream denotes success in love affairs; or the reverse, if she dreams of the fence falling, or that she falls from it.
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Meaning of garden in a dream
Big happiness. Inner self .Suitable time to pursue love affairs. To see a garden in your dreams, filled with evergreen and flowers, denotes great peace of mind and comfort. To see vegetables, denotes misery or loss of fortune and calumny. To females, this dream foretells that they will be famous, or exceedingly happy in domestic circles. To dream of walking with one's lover through a garden where flowering shrubs and plants abound, indicates unalloyed happiness and independent means.
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Meaning of big in a dream
Inflated. Generous. Riches and honors. Abundance. Inflated. Generous. Riches and honors. Abundance.
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Meaning of file in a dream
Records. Organization. Mystery will be solved. Put things in order. To dream that you see a file, signifies that you will transact some business which will prove unsatisfactory in the extreme. To see files, to store away bills and other important papers, foretells animated discussions over subjects which bear relation to significant affairs, and which will cause you much unrest and disquiet. Unfavorable predictions for the future are also implied in this dream.
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Meaning of hug in a dream
You're craving more interaction with friends. So, go socialize! incomprehensible foreign language Hearing an incomprehensible foreign language means that you have come into touch with your true self. Good job. You're craving more interaction with friends. So, go socialize! incomprehensible foreign language Hearing an incomprehensible foreign language means that you have come into touch with your true self. Good job.
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Meaning of field in a dream
To dream of dead corn or stubble fields, indicates to the dreamer dreary prospects for the future. To see green fields, or ripe with corn or grain, denotes great abundance and happiness to all classes. To see newly plowed fields, denotes early rise in wealth and fortunate advancement to places of honor. To see fields freshly harrowed and ready for planting, denotes that you are soon to benefit by your endeavor and long struggles for success. See Cornfields and Wheat
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Meaning of dog in a dream
To dream about a dog that fondles you indicates great gain and constant friends. To hear the barking of dogs foretells news of a depressing nature. Difficulties are more likely to follow. Loyalty. A growling or ferocious dog may symbolize betrayal, distrust, or deterioration of personal principles. A dog bite is a sign of an unbalanced life. A dog barking happily signifies pleasant social activities. A dog barking ferociously signifies bad company. To dream of buying a dog can be a sign that you are seeking new relationships (or maybe you just want a dog!). Loyalty. A growling or ferocious dog may symbolize betrayal, distrust, or deterioration of personal principles. A dog bite is a sign of an unbalanced life. A dog barking happily signifies pleasant social activities. A dog barking ferociously signifies bad company. To dream of buying a dog can be a sign that you are seeking new relationships (or maybe you just want a dog!).
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Meaning of party in a dream
Celebration. Festivity. Pleasure. Want to participate in a common activity. To dream of an unknown party of men assaulting you for your money or valuables, denotes that you will have enemies banded together against you. If you escape uninjured, you will overcome any opposition, either in business or love. To dream of attending a party of any kind for pleasure, you will find that life has much good, unless the party is an inharmonious one.
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Meaning of way in a dream
To dream you lose your way, warns you to disabuse your mind of lucky speculations, as your enterprises threaten failure unless you are painstaking in your management of affairs. See Road and Path
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