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Me, my sister and my deceased dad are at the fair. We went into a resturant in the fair. Ordered mashed potatoes and more food. I wanted to bring my bag of stuff in but the owner of the resturant told me i couldn't. We argued and I lost the argument. Angry, I told my father to give me the keys to the car. He gives them to me and walk outside. I saw a woman I thought was creepy. I opened the car, put the items inside and locked it. Walked back inside and witnessed a prank between a person and the news station. The news staion got revenge on the person. Heard laughing.

What is the meaning of Me, my sister and my deceased dad In a dream

What does it means Me, my sister and my deceased dad In a dream ? - Dream meaning


An argument between you and someone else may symbolize the tension between you and that person (or someone that is represented by the figure in your dream). This tension may be relieved through a dream argument, but it may signify that a conflict with this individual is needed if your relationship is going to proceed. An argument between you and someone else may symbolize the tension between you and that person (or someone that is represented by the figure in your dream). This tension may be relieved through a dream argument, but it may signify that a conflict with this individual is needed if your relationship is going to proceed.

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Misfortune in life and will die in misery. Unconscious. Door Changes in life. Family arguments. Approaching money. Unconscious. Jealous people are against you and there is opposition in love. The back may symbolize the unconscious, stress or pressure someone has placed on you, jealousy people have against you, or opposition in love. Seeing a naked back may symbolize secret desires that you are keeping from others or yourself. The back may symbolize the unconscious, stress or pressure someone has placed on you, jealousy people have against you, or opposition in love. Seeing a naked back may symbolize secret desires that you are keeping from others or yourself. To dream of seeing a nude back, denotes loss of power. Lending advice or money is dangerous. Sickness often attends this dream. To see a person turn and walk away from you, you may be sure envy and jealousy are working to your hurt. To dream of your own back, bodes no good to the dreamer.

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Personal power. Ego. Often, the path the car takes in the dream is representative of the path the dreamer's life is on. If the car is speeding out of control, the dreamer may feels as if his/her life is also speeding out of control. Some other associations to keep in mind: To many, driving is a solitary time. With the windows rolled up and the music playing, one is left alone with one's thoughts. For someone who's been in a car accident, driving can represent a dangerous risk. As cars seem to represent one's life, when your life is out of control, don't be surprised if you have a dream where you're driving an out-of-control car, or a car whose breaks are malfunctioning. Another common variation is controlling the car from a great height above the street, making it difficult to steer without collisions, or even trying to drive the car from the backseat. Whatever the variation, when you're having trouble driving, you probably feel like you're out of control in your waking life. Get your life under control, and you'll have better luck in your dream driving adventures. Please see above definition of "car." Often, the path the car takes in the dream is representative of the path the dreamer's life is on. If the car is speeding out of control, the dreamer may feels as if his/her life is also speeding out of control. Some other associations to keep in mind: To many, driving is a solitary time. With the windows rolled up and the music playing, one is left alone with one's thoughts. For someone who's been in a car accident, driving can represent a dangerous risk. As cars seem to represent one's life, when your life is out of control, don't be surprised if you have a dream where you're driving an out-of-control car, or a car whose breaks are malfunctioning. Another common variation is controlling the car from a great height above the street, making it difficult to steer without collisions, or even trying to drive the car from the backseat. Whatever the variation, when you're having trouble driving, you probably feel like you're out of control in your waking life. Get your life under control, and you'll have better luck in your dream driving adventures. Please see above definition of "car."

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Seeing a deceased individual in a dream shows the connection between the dreamer and that person. Seeing a deceased parent like a father or mother might be a spiritual connection or trying to seek for guidance. Seeing a deceased relative might indicate that there is an unfinished issue with the deceased individual. If they try to communicate you need to think of the open incident in your pass that might be relevant to this communication. Many time seeing a deceased relative or a deceased friend in a dream might just symbol that you miss them.

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Social activities of a happy nature. Change for the better. To dream of being at a fair, denotes that you will have a pleasant and profitable business and a congenial companion. For a young woman, this dream signifies a jovial and even-tempered man for a life partner.

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Authority. Control. Guidance. Recognition. Happiness. Virtue. To dream of your father, signifies that you are about to be involved in a difficulty, and you will need wise counsel if you extricate yourself therefrom. If he is dead, it denotes that your business is pulling heavily, and you will have to use caution in conducting it. For a young woman to dream of her dead father, portends that her lover will, or is, playing her false.

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Pleasure or greed. Nourishment. Fortune in love affairs.

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Solution. Access. Mystery will be solved. Peace and happiness in the home.

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Relaxation. Volatility. Need for spontaneity. To dream that you laugh and feel cheerful, means success in your undertakings, and bright companions socially. Laughing immoderately at some weird object, denotes disappointment and lack of harmony in your surroundings. To hear the happy laughter of children, means joy and health to the dreamer. To laugh at the discomfiture of others, denotes that you will wilfully injure your friends to gratify your own selfish desires. To hear mocking laughter, denotes illness and disappointing affairs.

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Out of control and direction. Lacking in confidence somewhere in your life.

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To hear good news in a dream, denotes that you will be fortunate in affairs, and have harmonious companions; but if the news be bad, contrary conditions will exist.

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To see the same person again and again in your dream is a sign that someone from the world after is trying to get in contact with you and trying to tell you something. You must try to understand and follow his directions.

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Dreaming of potatoes, brings incidents often of good. To dream of digging them, denotes success. To dream of eating them, you will enjoy substantial gain. To cook them, congenial employment. Planting them, brings realization of desires. To see them rotting, denotes vanished pleasure and a darkening future.

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To dream of taking revenge, is a sign of a weak and uncharitable nature, which if not properly governed, will bring you troubles and loss of friends. If others revenge themselves on you, there will be much to fear from enemies.

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To dream that you use a hand-saw, indicates an energetic and busy time, and cheerful home life. To see big saws in machinery, foretells that you will superintend a big enterprise, and the same will yield fair returns. For a woman, this dream denotes that she will be esteemed, and her counsels will be heeded. To dream of rusty or broken saws, denotes failure and accidents. To lose a saw, you will engage in affairs which will culminate in disaster. To hear the buzz of a saw, indicates thrift and prosperity. To find a rusty saw, denotes that you will probably restore your fortune. To carry a saw on your back, foretells that you will carry large, but profitable, responsibilities.

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Family. Fellowship. Fortune .You are aware of your surroundings.

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For a man to dream on a woman may show a few paths. A woman indicate mysteriousness and the unknown, as well as power. It may also show of destiny. Dreaming on a strange woman may be lack of sexual desires and frustration. For a woman to dream on another woman may indicates envy and enemy rising. A woman also shows the connection of an individual with the nature. To see a woman in your dream, represents nurturance, passivity, caring nature, and love. It refers to your own female aspects or your mother. Alternatively, a woman indicates temptation and guilt. If you know the woman, then it may reflect concerns and feelings you have about her. To see a group of women talking in your dream, refers to some gossip. To see a pregnant women in your dream, symbolizes abundant wealth. To see an old woman in your dream, indicates your concerns about aging and growing old. Alternatively, the old woman may be an archet

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