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What is the meaning in a dream of fingerprints

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What is the meaning of fingerprints In a dream, What does it means fingerprints In a dream?


Seeing fingerprints in a dream may symbolize you are feeling over-watched. There is someone, might be at work or your family that you feel that always criticizes you and watching every step you make.

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Samples of dreams of fingerprints

I went to an illegal party, I

I went to an illegal party, I killed someone and disposed of the evidence but left the knife with my fingerprints there. I ate cookies and escaped.

My mom cut off her boyfriends head

My mom cut off her boyfriends head and asked me to help her hide the body downstairs, I refuse and said because my fingerprints will be associated in the murder and was worried I loose my daughter

Other meaning of dreams of fingerprints


Seeing fingerprints in a dream may symbolize you are feeling over-watched. There is someone, might be at work or your family that you feel that always criticizes you and watching every step you make.

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