Found 156 dream symbols containing dreaming - Page 10
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Meaning of peas in a dream
Dreaming of eating peas, augurs robust health and the accumulation of wealth. Much activity is indicated for farmers and their women folks. To see them growing, denotes fortunate enterprises. To plant them, denotes that your hopes are well grounded and they will be realized. To gather them, signifies that your plans will culminate in good and you will enjoy the fruits of your labors. To dream of canned peas, denotes that your brightest hopes will be enthralled in uncertainties for a short season, but they will finally be released by fortune. To see dried peas, denotes that you are overtaxing your health. To eat dried peas, foretells that you will, after much success, suffer a slight decrease in pleasure or wealth.
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Meaning of peaches in a dream
Dreaming of seeing or eating peaches, implies the sickness of children, disappointing returns in business, and failure to make anticipated visits of pleasure; but if you see them on trees with foliage, you will secure some desired position or thing after much striving and risking of health and money. To see dried peaches, denotes that enemies will steal from you. For a young woman to dream of gathering luscious peaches from well-filled trees, she will, by her personal charms and qualifications, win a husband rich in worldly goods and wise in travel. If the peaches prove to be green and knotty, she will meet with unkindness from relatives and ill health will steal away her attractions. See Orchard.
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Meaning of parents in a dream
To see your parents looking cheerful while dreaming, denotes harmony and pleasant associates. If they appear to you after they are dead, it is a warning of approaching trouble, and you should be particular of your dealings. To see them while they are living, and they seem to be in your home and happy, denotes pleasant changes for you. To a young woman, this usually brings marriage and prosperity. If pale and attired in black, grave disappointments will harass you. To dream of seeing your parents looking robust and contented, denotes you are under fortunate environments; your business and love interests will flourish. If they appear indisposed or sad, you will find life's favors passing you by without recognition. See Father and Mother
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Meaning of lute in a dream
To dream of playing on one, is auspicious of joyful news from absent friends. Pleasant occupations follow the dreaming of hearing the music of a lute.
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Meaning of laurel in a dream
Dreaming of the laurel, brings success and fame. You will acquire new possessions in love. Enterprises will be laden with gain. For a young woman to wreath laurel about her lover's head, denotes that she will have a faithful man, and one of fame to woo her.
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Meaning of portrait in a dream
To dream of gazing upon the portrait of some beautiful person, denotes that, while you enjoy pleasure, you can but feel the disquieting and treacherousness of such joys. Your general affairs will suffer loss after dreaming of portraits. See Pictures, Photographs and Paintings
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Meaning of pheasant in a dream
Dreaming of pheasants, omens good fellowship among your friends. To eat one, signifies that the jealousy of your wife will cause you to forego friendly intercourse with your friends. To shoot them, denotes that you will fail to sacrifice one selfish pleasure for the comfort of friends.
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Meaning of lovely in a dream
Dreaming of lovely things, brings favor to all persons connected with you. For a lover to dream that his sweetheart is lovely of person and character, foretells for him a speedy and favorable marriage. If through the vista of dreams you see your own fair loveliness, fate bids you, with a gleaming light, awake to happiness.
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Meaning of knapsack in a dream
To see a knapsack while dreaming, denotes you will find your greatest pleasure away from the associations of friends. For a woman to see an old dilapidated one, means poverty and disagreeableness for her.
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Meaning of poinard in a dream
To dream of some one stabbing you with a poinard, denotes that secret enemies will cause you uneasiness of mind. If you attack any person with one of these weapons, you will unfortunately suspect your friends of unfaithfulness. Dreaming of poinards, omens evil. See Dagger.
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