Symbols of your dreams pen
Meaning of seeing someone in a dream
Just seeing someone in a dream - depends on the situation your are dreaming. If you are seeing someone in a dream in the sexual context of it - usually means you lack of sex drive or enough intimacy romantic sexual activity in real life.
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Meaning of pet getting injured in a dream
A pet getting injured in a dream may show the dreamer is afraid something bad will happen to a close friend or relative.
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Meaning of impregnated in a dream
To dream of getting pregnant or getting some one pregnant shows of new beginning and changes that are coming upon your life. Something new is about to happen. It also may indicate the readiness to start a family or the other way around, fear of responsibility. It depends on other motive in the dream.
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Meaning of deceased in a dream
Seeing a deceased individual in a dream shows the connection between the dreamer and that person. Seeing a deceased parent like a father or mother might be a spiritual connection or trying to seek for guidance. Seeing a deceased relative might indicate that there is an unfinished issue with the deceased individual. If they try to communicate you need to think of the open incident in your pass that might be relevant to this communication. Many time seeing a deceased relative or a deceased friend in a dream might just symbol that you miss them.
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Meaning of i was jesus in a dream
Dreaming about Jesus might be two things. A megalomaniac aspiration thinking it is all about me - This is the case where you dream about yourself as Jesus. Other indication when you see yourself as Jesus in your dream might be that you feel bad things are happening to you which you do not deserve. Like a martyr and you still have to carry on. Dreaming of Jesus and seeing Jesus in your dream may also in a spiritual way show the connection between you to god, to life and this is a true and genuine connection.
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Meaning of drying in a dream
To dry something in your dream really depends what is it that you are drying but may view your believe in life that things that should have happened already did not happen. It might be a dream about growing up and waiting for puberty or waiting for your new job and advance in career.
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Meaning of mopane in a dream
Called also colophospermum mopane or mopani, balsam tree, and even butterfly tree, or turpentine tree. Shows of growth and well being.
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Meaning of animals in a dream
To see animals in a dream may indicate fears but it depends on the type of animals. Big cats such as tigers and lions may indicate fear of your own desires, needs or bad people. Seeing nice pets animals may show the connection and needs for someone to take care of like a child.
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Meaning of penises in a dream
The penis in a dreams is a phallic symbol that symbolize power. In a good way it might symbol a good protective power or the need to have sexual relations. In the bad way it might show fear from growing up or feeling oppressed.
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Meaning of jesus in a dream
Dreaming about Jesus might be two things. A megalomaniac aspiration thinking it is all about me - This is the case where you dream about yourself as Jesus. Other indication when you see yourself as Jesus in your dream might be that you feel bad things are happening to you which you do not deserve. Like a martyr and you still have to carry on. Dreaming of Jesus and seeing Jesus in your dream may also in a spiritual way show the connection between you to god, to life and this is a true and genuine connection.
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