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Meaning of hedges in a dream

To dream of hedges of evergreens, denotes joy and profit. Bare hedges, foretells distress and unwise dealings. If a young woman dreams of walking beside a green hedge with her lover, it foretells that her marriage will soon be consummated. If you dream of being entangled in a thorny hedge, you will be hampered in your business by unruly partners or persons working under you. To lovers, this dream is significant of quarrels and jealousies.

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Meaning of handkerchiefs in a dream

To dream of handkerchiefs, denotes flirtations and contingent affairs. To lose one, omens a broken engagement through no fault of yours. To see torn ones, foretells that lovers' quarrels will reach such straits that reconciliation will be improbable if not impossible. To see them soiled, foretells that you will be corrupted by indiscriminate associations. To see pure white ones in large lots, foretells that you will resist the insistent flattery of unscrupulous and evil-minded persons, and thus gain entrance into high relations with love and matrimony. To see them colored, denotes that while your engagements may not be strictly moral, you will manage them with such ingenuity that they will elude opprobrium. If you see silk handkerchiefs, it denotes that your pleasing and magnetic personality will shed its radiating cheerfulness upon others, making for yourself a fortunate existence. For a young woman to wave adieu or a recognition with her handkerchief, or see others doing this, denotes that she will soon make a questionable pleasure trip, or she may knowingly run the gauntlet of disgrace to secure some fancied pleasure.

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Meaning of indigo in a dream

To see indigo in a dream, denotes you will deceive friendly persons in order to cheat them out of their be longings. To see indigo water, foretells you will be involved in an ugly love affair.

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Meaning of imitation in a dream

To dream of imitations, means that persons are working to deceive you. For a young woman to dream some one is imitating her lover or herself, foretells she will be imposed upon, and will suffer for the faults of others.

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Meaning of hatchet in a dream

A hatchet seen in a dream, denotes that wanton wastefulness will expose you to the evil designs of envious persons. If it is rusty or broken, you will have grief over wayward people.

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Meaning of gulls in a dream

To dream of gulls, is a prophecy of peaceful dealings with ungenerous persons. Seeing dead gulls, means wide separation for friends.

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Meaning of grindstone in a dream

For a person to dream of turning a grindstone, his dream is prophetic of a life of energy and well directed efforts bringing handsome competency. If you are sharpening tools, you will be blessed with a worthy helpmate. To deal in grindstones, is significant of small but honest gain.

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Meaning of grave in a dream

To dream that you see a newly made grave, you will have to suffer for the wrongdoings of others. If you visit a newly made grave, dangers of a serious nature is hanging over you. Grave is an unfortunate dream. Ill luck in business transactions will follow, also sickness is threatened. To dream of walking on graves, predicts an early death or an unfortunate marriage. If you look into an empty grave, it denotes disappointment and loss of friends. If you see a person in a grave with the earth covering him, except the head, some distressing situation will take hold of that person and loss of property is indicated to the dreamer. To see your own grave, foretells that enemies are warily seeking to engulf you in disaster, and if you fail to be watchful they will succeed. To dream of digging a grave, denotes some uneasiness over some undertaking, as enemies will seek to thwart you, but if you finish the grave you will overcome opposition. If the sun is shining, good will come out of seeming embarrassments. If you return for a corpse, to bury it, and it has disappeared, trouble will come to you from obscure quarters. For a woman to dream that night overtakes her in a graveyard, and she can find no place to sleep but in an open grave, foreshows she will have much sorrow and disappointment through death or false friends. She may lose in love, and many things seek to work her harm. To see a graveyard barren, except on top of the graves, signifies much sorrow and despondency for a time, but greater benefits and pleasure await you if you properly shoulder your burden. To see your own corpse in a grave, foreshadows hopeless and despairing oppression.

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Meaning of hissing in a dream

To dream of hissing persons, is an omen that you will be displeased beyond endurance at the discourteous treatment shown you while among newly made acquaintances. If they hiss you, you will be threatened with the loss of a friend.

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Meaning of hate in a dream

To dream that you hate a person, denotes that if you are not careful you will do the party an inadvertent injury or a spiteful action will bring business loss and worry. If you are hated for unjust causes, you will find sincere and obliging friends, and your associations will be most pleasant. Otherwise, the dream forebodes ill.

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