Found 331 dream symbols containing person - Page 15
Discover the hidden meanings behind your dreams with our comprehensive database of dream symbols. Explore a vast collection of interpretations, from common symbols like flying and falling to more unique and personal imagery. Unravel the mysteries of your subconscious and gain valuable insights into your waking life. Search our dream dictionary or browse by category to find the perfect symbol and unlock the secrets your dreams hold.
Meaning of malice in a dream
To dream of entertaining malice for any person, denotes that you will stand low in the opinion of friends because of a disagreeable temper. Seek to control your passion. If you dream of persons maliciously using you, an enemy in friendly garb is working you harm.
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Meaning of lying in a dream
To dream that you are lying to escape punishment, denotes that you will act dishonorably towards some innocent person. Lying to protect a friend from undeserved chastisement, denotes that you will have many unjust criticisms passed upon your conduct, but you will rise above them and enjoy prominence. To hear others lying, denotes that they are seeking to entrap you. Lynx. To dream of seeing a lynx, enemies are undermining your business and disrupting your home affairs. For a woman, this dream indicates that she has a wary woman rivaling her in the affections of her lover. If she kills the lynx, she will overcome her rival.
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Meaning of linen in a dream
To see linen in your dream, augurs prosperity and enjoyment. If a person appears to you dressed in linen garments, you will shortly be the recipient of joyful tidings in the nature of an inheritance. If you are apparelled in clean, fine linen, your fortune and fullest enjoyment in life is assured. If it be soiled, sorrow and ill luck will be met with occasionally, mingled with the good in your life.
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Meaning of liar in a dream
To dream of thinking people are liars, foretells you will lose faith in some scheme which you had urgently put forward. For some one to call you a liar, means you will have vexations through deceitful persons. For a woman to think her sweetheart a liar, warns her that her unbecoming conduct is likely to lose her a valued friend.
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Meaning of man-of-war in a dream
To dream of a man-of-war, denotes long journeys and separation from country and friends, dissension in political affairs is portended. If she is crippled, foreign elements will work damage to home interests. If she is sailing upon rough seas, trouble with foreign powers may endanger private affairs. Personal affairs may also go awry.
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Meaning of manners in a dream
To dream of seeing ugly-mannered persons, denotes failure to carry out undertakings through the disagreeableness of a person connected with the affair. If you meet people with affable manners, you will be pleasantly surprised by affairs of moment with you taking a favorable turn.
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Meaning of magnifying glass in a dream
To look through a magnifying-glass in your dreams, means failure to accomplish your work in a satisfactory manner. For a woman to think she owns one, foretells she will encourage the attention of persons who will ignore her later.
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Meaning of lovely in a dream
Dreaming of lovely things, brings favor to all persons connected with you. For a lover to dream that his sweetheart is lovely of person and character, foretells for him a speedy and favorable marriage. If through the vista of dreams you see your own fair loveliness, fate bids you, with a gleaming light, awake to happiness.
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Meaning of loom in a dream
To dream of standing by and seeing a loom operated by a stranger, denotes much vexation and useless irritation from the talkativeness of those about you. Some disappointment with happy expectations are coupled with this dream. To see good-looking women attending the loom, denotes unqualified success to those in love. It predicts congenial pursuits to the married. It denotes you are drawing closer together in taste. For a woman to dream of weaving on an oldtime loom, signifies that she will have a thrifty husband and beautiful children will fill her life with happy solicitations. To see an idle loom, denotes a sulky and stubborn person, who will cause you much anxious care.
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Meaning of lockjaw in a dream
To dream that you have lockjaw, signifies there is trouble ahead for you, as some person is going to betray your confidence. For a woman to see others with lockjaw, foretells her friends will unconsciously detract from her happiness by assigning her unpleasant tasks. If stock have it, you will lose a friend.
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