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Human Dream Interpretation

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Jonas Song - Well known dream interpreter
Jonas Song - Well known dream interpreter

Please fill in the details of your dream in the dreams interpretation form. No need to fill in all fields, but as more data and information will help our dream experts and dream analyzers to interpret the dream in a more accurate manner

- Age must be above 18 years old


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Recent dreams

First i drove off the road, into

First i drove off the road, into the water i managed to escape the sinking car and then as i got back up on the road to find help i got kidnapped and where they took me was like a sect, eventually i fled and tolk with me one person but when i called 911 for help i got no response, then i woke up

I had a dream my brother invited

I had a dream my brother invited my ex boyfriend over and let him inside our house. i was in the shower, and when i put a towel on and got out i opened the door, and saw my brother standing behind my ex boyfriend smiling. my ex boyfriend was also smiling. i started smiling and we both reached our arms out to hug each other. we hugged and the dream ended

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