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Found 20 dream symbols containing running

Discover the hidden meanings behind your dreams with our comprehensive database of dream symbols. Explore a vast collection of interpretations, from common symbols like flying and falling to more unique and personal imagery. Unravel the mysteries of your subconscious and gain valuable insights into your waking life. Search our dream dictionary or browse by category to find the perfect symbol and unlock the secrets your dreams hold.

Meaning of tube in a dream

A tube in a dream (seeing a tube or dreaming of tube) usually symbolize a jail like solution and a one way to go with impossibility to see other solutions. This dream usually talks about a certain specific problem that the dreamer can not see the solution to the problem - hence looking through a tube or running inside a tube in the dream without the possibility to view the full big picture and to find the solution to the problem.

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Meaning of wheat in a dream

To see large fields of growing wheat in your dreams, denotes that your interest will take on encouraging prospects. If the wheat is ripe, your fortune will be assured and love will be your joyous companion. To see large clear grains of wheat running through the thresher, foretells that prosperity has opened her portals to the fullest for you. To see it in sacks or barrels, your determination to reach the apex of success is soon to be crowned with victory and your love matters will be firmly grounded. If your granary is not well covered and you see its contents getting wet, foretells that while you have amassed a fortune, you have not secured your rights and you will see your interests diminishing by the hand of enemies. If you rub wheat from the head into your hand and eat it, you will labor hard for success and will obtain and make sure of your rights. To dream that you climb a steep hill covered with wheat and think you are pulling yourself up by the stalks of wheat, denotes you will enjoy great prosperity and thus be able to distinguish yourself in any chosen pursuit.

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Meaning of mule in a dream

If you dream that your are riding on a mule, it denotes that you are engaging in pursuits which will cause you the greatest anxiety, but if you reach your destination without interruption, you will be recompensed with substantial results. For a young woman to dream of a white mule, shows she will marry a wealthy foreigner, or one who, while wealthy, will not be congenial in tastes. If she dreams of mules running loose, she will have beaux and admirers, but no offers of marriage. To be kicked by a mule, foretells disappointment in love and marriage. To see one dead, portends broken engagements and social decline.

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Meaning of furnace in a dream

To dream of a furnace, foretells good luck if it is running. If out of repair, you will have trouble with children or hired help. To fall into one, portends some enemy will overpower you in a business struggle.

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Meaning of gardening in a dream

Dreaming of gardening is a very good dream. Seeing yourself gardening in your dream is a dream of great prosperity and bloom in any case you would like. It can be very good success running a business or mostly building a new business, it may show a true and deep emotional feelings to the place where you live and the people you live with, connection to your family and spouse. Seeing other people gardening in your dream may symbolize you can see other having great success that you might envy but they too when gardening in your own dream are actually symbolizing your own success.

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Meaning of swim in a dream

Swimming can show a few things. Dreaming on water, running water may show you need to urinate (see water) but swimming is the path a person need to pass in life. Floating in water will bring you a good luck

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Meaning of wild in a dream

To dream that you are running about wild, foretells that you will sustain a serious fall or accident. To see others doing so, denotes unfavorable prospects will cause you worry and excitement.

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Meaning of stumble in a dream

If you stumble in a dream while walking or running, you will meet with disfavor, and obstructions will bar your path to success, but you will eventually surmount them, if you do not fall.

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Meaning of locomotive in a dream

To dream of a locomotive running with great speed, denotes a rapid rise in fortune, and foreign travel. If it is disabled, then many vexations will interfere with business affairs, and anticipated journeys will be laid aside through the want of means. To see one completely demolished, signifies great distress and loss of property. To hear one coming, denotes news of a foreign nature. Business will assume changes that will mean success to all classes. To hear it whistle, you will be pleased and surprised at the appearance of a friend who has been absent, or an unexpected offer, which means preferment to you.

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Meaning of cars in a dream

To dream of seeing cars, denotes journeying and changing in quick succession. To get on one shows that travel which you held in contemplation will be made under different auspices than had been calculated upon. To miss one, foretells that you will be foiled in an attempt to forward your prospects. To get off of one, denotes that you will succeed with some interesting schemes which will fill you with self congratulations. To dream of sleeping-cars, indicates that your struggles to amass wealth is animated by the desire of gratifying selfish and lewd principles which should be mastered and controlled. To see street-cars in your dreams, denotes that some person is actively interested in causing you malicious trouble and disquiet. To ride on a car, foretells that rivalry and jealousy will enthrall your happiness. To stand on the platform of a street-car while it is running, denotes you will attempt to carry on an affair which will be extremely dangerous, but if you ride without accident you will be successful. If the platform is up high, your danger will be more apparent, but if low, you will barely accomplish your purpose.

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