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Living with my dad after my mom

Living with my dad after my mom passed away and had to take him to the hospital cause he couldn't breath properly. A group of girls was standing on the step with a dog as we were trying to leave asking for someone who wasn't there. They didn't believe me until I explained that my dad needed to go to the emergency room. I then recognized one of them and got excited to see her an gave her a hug, when I said her name she said ew don't call me that, that's my dead name. My dad was fine and we returned to pie on the step, my dad then stored it underneath the stove. He tried to cook meat and cake in the same pan. The girls came back and kept looking around sizing the place up for something worth stealing. I made it clear to them they had no need to steak as they could use whatever they wanted too. Two of them left, so I went to find them. They were by the feomdoor laughing hysterically, jumping up and down with their hands over there ears. They beckoned for me to join them, it was super fun for some reason, I couldn't stop laughing. Even my dad thought it was comical.

I was taking a nap with my

I was taking a nap with my daughter, when we woke up there were 2 men in the garden dumping lots of stuff. I was terrified and went to close the door, one of them said “we didn’t come through that door” so I locked the door and ran to the other door to lock that, I saw a shadow at the door but I locked it. My tooth then became really wobbly so I rang my boyfriend to see if he could come to sit with our child while I went to the hospital but his friend answered and said they were out and started being rude to me. I hung up and tried to ring again but his friend kept answering. So I rang my mum and asked her to come and while I was on the phone to her 3 other men broke into my house and started taking everything including the television from the wall. I recognised one of the men and he was telling the others to stop but they didn’t stop so I ran to a neighbours house with my daughter in my arms and then I woke up.

Hi, i had a dream where i

Hi, i had a dream where i was in a hospital inside a ward for handicapped people. Then i saw myself using the toilet and there were people watching me, after i was done as i was washing my hands two security guards were standing next to me

My son lost an eye. It didn't

My son lost an eye. It didn't seem to bother him. And he had soap bubbles in the socket that the eye was missing. We found his eye and someone put it back in. But it was grey when we found it, not brown. And a bunch of company showed up at the house as I was rushing to leave to take my son to the hospital.

I had a dream that my boyfriend

I had a dream that my boyfriend got injured badly and I was in a hospital with him . My family was there too trying to cal me down and telling my that everything will be fine because I was crying a lot . I was in a hospital room with him and he was on a wheelchair and had his leg in a cast and something more to it it was like metal because he couldn’t move with it at all . I told him that everything will be fine soon not to worry about it . My parents took me and him to his house because someone had to stay and look after him and said that I should stay they that it’s oki . Before I could stay at his house I had to sign some paper that a post man was carrying as it had to be known how many people were staying in his house and then we when in normally and my family left after .

In my dream I am Taylor Swift.

In my dream I am Taylor Swift. Who is supposed to go on a date with Joe Alwyn. But the setting is Delhi and she lives in a really rural busy area in a mob setting. She barely has a house but has a dad who's actually my dad and many siblings. She goes to get dressed and for some reason goes out of her house and cannot find her way back. The riot had started and between the ruins and the already dilipated situation of the location she cannot find it back. And she who is actually me keeps running in search of the house and everything is on fire. This is the second time I have seen this dream. During the first one the details were different but this time around its pretty much all to it. Every one is missing and its chaos and I am running for my life. This dream then changed to me as a police inspector who is running because there's a mob willing to kill them. She /I run and reach a hospital where the mob was killing the doctors. The murders were brutal. Single shot to the head with your brains coming out. By this point I usually have to convince myself that this is a dream and I wake up

I was having a bad day because

I was having a bad day because I have bad grades. Then I saw a celebrity and went back to school. While being at school I saw my friends and told them about the celebrity. Then it went dark night time. We humorously scared each other not until two of my friends had difficulty breathing. We went straight to the hospital. After that patient after patient from the school went there. While waiting for a cab to go home there came muggers. We fought with them. One knew me and got scared while the other resist. I did everything to save my friends.

That my family especially my uncle hurt

That my family especially my uncle hurt me and I was very down.. so my cuz said let's go out. So we were at a place that goes from one pub to another. The one qe couldn't get in. So my cousin Said wait here I'm coming. Then cyle said going to the loo. I waited 30 mins. Then went back to that club and I could see both of them inside and with women but getting it on. So I got a uber and left .... sent him a message to tell him I saw it and we got into a fight. I then wrote a letter to the family. Got drugs popped alot and then laid in the bath and cut my wrists. My cousin came home to say sorry and he found me kept the kids away and rushed me to hospital. Called cyle told him to which he realized what had really happened and rushed to see me. But as he got to the hospital I passed away.

My boyfriend died in a car crash

My boyfriend died in a car crash nd da caretaker of wer his staying waked me up without telling me what's happening then wen I walked outside da room I saw his closes on da hospital bed dats wen I started crying