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I was with my hairdresser driving in

I was with my hairdresser driving in my first car then I saw a huge fire then we carried on to a memorial where we drove vertical down the wall

I was getting a makeover and the

I was getting a makeover and the male hairdresser gave me bangs, which I hated. He gave me fake eyelashes which I also hated. Then he have me fake nails which fell off quickly. I also noticed he gave me strange acrylic type pieces on my teeth & when I tried to take them off, my bottom teeth all fell out with them. I cried and demanded a refund while my mom didn't understand why.

I was in a chair and my

I was in a chair and my hair was braided and my eyes were closed. My male friend smoothed my hair and telling me that this was needed. It felt like warm oil was being poured on my hair and scalp (in the dream and naturally). When I opened my eyes in the dream, I had a hairdresser view and saw that he was using his tongue on my scalp.

I had a dream the other night

I had a dream the other night that both my bridal shower and my wedding were happening on the same day! I was wearing my wedding gown at the wedding shower. My hairdresser was at the bridal shower putting my hair up in curlers to get me ready to walk down the aisle later that day. My guests were arriving at the bridal shower with gifts that were unwrapped, and cards that were unsigned. I remember being upset and confused about that and complaining to my mom that everyone was showering us with the unwrapped gifts and unsigned cards. I was so upset I started wrapping the guests' unwrapped gifts!!! I woke up relieved as I realized in real life I was already married, and I was thankful that in reality everything during the bridal shower and wedding went very smoothly! I think back on this dream and have been laughing myself silly!!!

Highschool friend, was telling me about her

Highschool friend, was telling me about her divorce, she was a hairdresser, she checked my lymphotic gland and found a lump. she seemed bitter towards her ex husband