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I was sitting in a boat with

I was sitting in a boat with my friend there was no land around and the water was very dark and stormy looking he and i were having a deep discussion it went on for a long time we are very close and i wanted to keep talking but he started to move away because he said that there was storm coming and he was very worried about it i said that i understand he gave me a hug and said not to worry he wanted to continue this conversation and we will he just has to watch for the storm. After a while threat of a storm was lessening and the weather was improving. I could feel the sun on the horizon. He said again that he just has to take make sure that the threat of storm has passed and we will continue this discussion.

I was in an old shed, the

I was in an old shed, the same one that was in my yard at my house, except this didnt take place in my yard. It took place it a field not far from my house. I dont remember much, just that all of the sudden me and me colleague had to get out of there quick. When I tried to leave I got Stabbed in the stomach. The knife was long, big and shiny. I ran down the road to my house, where I pulled the knife out. The wound was not big, but it hurt. My parents were standing in the driveway and I was debating on weather or not to tell them, because when I looked at the wound it didnt look bad. Then I proceeded to dream about something completely different and had no sign of being stabbed,

Keep having dreams about. Tornados,funnel clouds,bad weather,the

Keep having dreams about. Tornados,funnel clouds,bad weather,the house spining,the wind knocking me off my feet...., my view switched from 1st and 3rd person. When the house "spun" it was in 3rd person. And I felt the need to throw an anchor out? To stop the spining? And wanted a bubble to protect myself and my family from the tornado...

I seen a heavenly realm in the

I seen a heavenly realm in the sky,i seen 3 pillars of stone arge ,medium ,small.the season of weather was not of the norm.i drove my car it started to fishtail and i couldn't control the wheel so i let it go.the car finally halted i got out of it .,there was a woman standing there and asked her did i hit her and she replied saying ,,know but you must be a woman of God and i replied with authority,yes i am