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I was at my grandma’s house with

I was at my grandma’s house with my parents, siblings and cousins. The house was very clean and we are sitting around a glass table. My grandma is a very traditional Greek housewife so she offered me milk. But I tried to be polite and get it myself. I walked to the cabinet and grabed a small glass, then I walked to the fridge to get the half gallon of skim milk. I sat down and began to drink the milk. While I drank, my brother, Alex, went to the freezer which was an endless rectangle that went really far back. My brother got out a big ice cream carton and gave it to me and I began to eat even though it was not my favorite flavor of ice cream. Then my brother pulled out another ice cream container and gave it to my sister, Kelsey, to eat even though it was not her favorite flavor either. Next my brother pulled out smaller containers of ice cream for each of my cousins and each of those ice creams were the favorite flavor of the cousin that he passed it to and everyone ate happily. As I ate my ice cream I realized that I had run out of milk and wanted more. But when I looked for the half gallon, I realized that the milk had disappeared. Fortunately I was able to find a different carton of milk and this one was a full gallon. I looked closer at the carton and realized that it was going to expire in 3 days. Thinking it would be helpful; I put my small glass in the sink and took a large glass from the cabinet so that I would be able to drink more of the milk before it went bad. So I poured a large glass of milk for myself, to drink while I ate my ice cream. To my surprise, the glass of milk that I had poured was actually chocolate milk. My cousin, Kristin, prefers chocolate milk and assumed that I had poured the glass for her. Kristin stood up and took the glass and said, “Thank you”, then sat down. I still wanted some milk, and to my delight, the half gallon of regular milk appeared. When I reached for another glass, it slipped out of my hand and shattered on the ground so I grabbed another glass, but that one slipped and shattered. This dropping and shattering kept happening until my dad, Pete, interjected. He said “You keep taking the big glasses, you should take the smaller ones.” I heard this and thought to myself, That is completely unrelated to distressing situation at hand, but I didn’t say that. Then I woke up.

Nap in which I was rounding with

Nap in which I was rounding with a vet and not a doctor and I kept spitting up bubbles like a baby instead of a competent adult followed by a dream in which I had to stay afloat beneath a giant raft shaped like a huge star with enormo waves crashing at me-

I am being tested on, being turned

I am being tested on, being turned into a human mixed with panther blood, so my reflexes are that of a wild cat so i can be a better fighter. There is a boy I compete with but then eventually come to like romantically and a mentor who puts this in place. I am in a school that is mixed with the structure of my high school and elementary school. There is a man who always attacks one of my family members to get me to find him and i always have to defeat him, using my strenth and magic fire. In the end i always end up with the boy i ignored at first but grew to like.

But I couldn't so I said wait

But I couldn't so I said wait til someone comes to ask Pero it was getting late And it that peter walks in said mom said for to wash this for me So I told him can u help Caco so he did Then he was looking for stuff to sell Then all of a sudden he was in the room with Caco lighting up And Caco just watching TV like nada