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Me and my boyfriend had an argument

Me and my boyfriend had an argument and he slapped me. I left room but he came in and threw something at my throat. I tried to call my mum for help but I was dying.

I dreamt my boyfriend had a baby

I dreamt my boyfriend had a baby with someone else in the dream the child was present and also the mother of the child her mom and her dad were present too and my boyfriend and i got into an argument

Me and my ex boyfriend have been

Me and my ex boyfriend have been together for almost 3 years. Besides the arguments & mistakes we both made, i thought everything was fine. He would always take me out, buy me things i really wanted, gave me money when i needed it, came with me to every doctor appointment & been there when i lost a baby. Last monday he left me for another girl. He claims because he think i cheated and wasnt being truthful to him but i think its an escape goat for him to be with someone else. He led me on and im trying to get the truth from him but he refuse to tell me whats been going on. I tried getting him back. But now im having dreams about marrying him, being with him again, and even felt him holding me in my sleep and thinking he was next to me. I miss him and love him terribly but dont know if he still think of me. I did so much for him and he threw 3 years away so quickly.

Me and my ex boyfriend have been

Me and my ex boyfriend have been together for almost 3 years. Besides the arguments & mistakes we both made, i thought everything was fine. He would always take me out, buy me things i really wanted, gave me money when i

Me and my boyfriend having a bad

Me and my boyfriend having a bad argument.we were at the doctors room so the docter was holding my medical aid card and looks like something was not right with it.my boyfriend said the docter must cancel and I said no

I had a dream that I was

I had a dream that I was in an argument with the guy who I have a past with because things were complicated when I liked him. We we arguing about being together because his friends didn't want us to but I told him we couldn't. Then he said he didn't care and that he wanted to be with me. Then we kissed and we walked out of a room outside together.