I was very stressed because the kitchen in a house I used to live in was in a disgusting mess and for some reason I knew I had to get it cleaned and organised. The faster I worked the more mess people kept bringing in. I woke up in quite a state about this dream.
Priest is playing an organ in a dark church with candles I am alone he points to chocolate cake and I eat it then is possessed by evil I am fighting
I had a dream i was at a livestock bidding place and there, i saw many cows behind cages. i eventually came to one that a few people were gathered around and it was mutated in a very horrific manner. i walked away as everyone yelled at the owner. i walked around a little while and before i knew it, cattle/bulls were running around and i was being chased by some. when i jumped a fence, there would be another, it only happened once or twice, though. the cattle were also attacking others, i THINK, but i remember people watching me try and escape.
before i knew it, i was in someone's house and we had come there from the place. i started talking to one of my my ex girlfriend s from quite a long time ago. i remember telling her about what foods are good for your body and how they resemble reciprocating organs. i then remember that i was supposed to be leaving there with her.
I was being seen by a female doctor who was looking at my reproductive organs an said I was 1 week pregnant with triplets
My ex boyfriend is walking away from me with one of my organs
I drank water then threw up. I drank more and threw up blood. For some reason, I still drank more. I drank until I started throwing up organs.
I drunk water then threw up. I drunk more and threw up blood. For some reason, I still drank more. I drank until I started throwing up organs.
I am an assassin. It is my mission to kill someone. My step-father is the leader of the organization I work for. When I go to the bell tower to kill my target, I find out that the bell is actually a bomb placed there by my step-father. I run into a store to find my mom before the bomb explodes.
My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant. Last night I dreamed not only that I was pregnant but specifically that I was 25 weeks pregnant with twin girls. In the dream I remember looking at the sona grams and everything looked normal except all the babies organs were cartoon like as if you were showing a child what the organs look like.
I dreamt I am toasting with a glass of white wine with my sisters. The wine glass has strings of diamonds around the rim of the glass hanging down. My deceased brother appears in my bright yellow kitchen. I am showing him how I am organizing my whole house and throwing everything out. But he had a tear in his right eye. I don't touch him and he doesn't speak.