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I dreamt I was swimming in a

I dreamt I was swimming in a river with many other women. We were participating in some form of a charity event. As I swam the water was not clear or transparent but I wasnt scared or disgusted. Neither did I struggle to swim -I felt motivated to get to the end. Thoughout the event I befriended a girl and we were encouraging one another. As we approached the end I knew the water to end the race was going to be filthy and filled with rats. I was disgusted even abit nervous but I was still motivated to finish. The girl I had initially befriended had fallen behind and I wanted to wait for her so we could finish together but a different girl whom I had noticed much before encouraged me in a friendly way to finish the charity swimming race and get through the last muddy water. When I finished I was surprised to find my estranged husband had been cheering me on all along and was waiting for me at the finish line. I was surprised but very happy as in my waking life I still hope for a reconciliation between the two of us. After the race we spent time together laughing and joking, at one point we started to argue and a friend of mine sat down I between us to calm each of us down and help us make up from the argument. I woke up before there was any resolution.

I have a boyfriend now and i

I have a boyfriend now and i really do love him...we never had a fight or big argument, but in my dream we are fighting about jealousy and in the end of my dream we said that were breaking up

Lived in a mansion with a celebrity

Lived in a mansion with a celebrity couple married with current boyfriend . Leave home after argument with fake sister drive to friends house where it takes me a long time to park once I park I see a scorpion at the door who is chasing me than I man comes and grabs it for me