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My dream started within my room. I

My dream started within my room. I was looking under my bed the bottom right corner. The matrase was lifted upwards to which i investigated. The matress was light and it revealed an item that i had lost for around a week. A nintendo 3ds which holds a lot of significance to me. The 3DS was sitting there upon the bed frame completely unharmed and i went to go grab it. Upon having it in my hands a video of sorts was playing. It showed somebody walking up to another person and during that time i took out a game cartridge and placed in a open draw beside my bed. It was playing some music that i vividly recognized and then when i heard my moms voice. After that i got up with the 3DS in my hands and went to her. And thats where the dream ends

There was a man. He was magical

There was a man. He was magical and bright. He looked like a King like the ones from old paintings. He had a handsome & stubbled face. He was around somewhere in his late 30's. I think I was enal enamoured by him. I don't remember it vividly, its all in a haze. I He loved me, I And I loved him. It suppose was a only hill station it was like he was the warmth I had. I think he was a king of a magical country that I had no idea of. But, he was married and he had kids. He was forced to make a choice. I was with friends and suddenly a young woman took my hand and began leading me away from my friends. Once we were far enough, she said he'd chosen me. She was his wife, the mother of his children. She walked me to a basement and I saw. my family there, He was there, too, with his children. I then realised that she would still be his wife and I would surely be the second option, always. Yet, I agreed and there was a ceremony after that. All my friends were there, majority of them were boys. Their faces were obscure but I saw a few familiar ones; Amrutha, Ananya, Samarth, Aditya, Hitesh, Rakshit One by one would put a kind of flower in my hair and tie a thread around wrist. Then, they sat apart from the rest the attenders. No matter how much tried to make them smile and talk, they didn't. They were not happy to be there. It was time for them to leave and slowly they disappeared. Next thing I know, I won was running the balcony, hoping to spot them on street. I saw them, all of them walking. away like it was nothing. But Samarth turned back and looked at me. I didn't want them to go away, to leave like that. But I understood that if I married this man, I would lose all my friends forever. I love them, all of them and for the first time the chill of the hills hit me and I wouldn't feel the warmth. Before I could do anything else I woke up

I was having a sleepover with my

I was having a sleepover with my boyfriend , a girl I'm not very close with but me and her talk, and some other people. Me and my boyfriend got into a small fight because I pulled his hair and he says that he wants me to stop pulling his hair. I walk away, angry, and go up into my room and as I'm walking up the stairs I can see my boyfriend talking to one of his friends saying "I have to go get my girl." and he comes up the stairs, following me, and tries to give me a hug but I don't hug him back. Then the girl I'm not very close with comes and gets me and invites me to go downstairs with her so we can watch a movie and explains that she's already asked the grandma that was there, I had never see this women before in my life but we went downstairs and stayed down there for a little before everyone comes down with us. Someone suggests an activity and I say okay, but I'm going to change into my pajamas. I go upstairs, and see a fight in the living room between two girls I've never seen before, and I saw one of my old friends who I haven't spoken to in a long time, and I stood next to her and she gave me a smile and we started talking and they were really fighting, one of the girls were getting beat up really badly and she was crying begging the other to stop, while the other was attacking her. And the girl that was attacking her grabbed her butt in a very weird way. Then a girl in the wheelchair intervened and said stop, and then when I turned my head it wasn't my old friend anymore it was my sister and we were making jokes, then we all starting singing a part in a theme song of a kid's show and the girl in the wheelchair turned out to be a girl I know from cheerleading, and she was no longer crippled and instead walking and talking fine.

I dreamt about a girl i had

I dreamt about a girl i had a crush on, walking with the guy she is in a relationship with and then suddenly i came from behind, then we talked as we are friends, then she grabbed my hand we started running far away from her boyfriend . That's it.

I had a dream where my husband

I had a dream where my husband and I were walking with our children and he said there was $140 on the ground. On the ground the money was on fire so I stomped on it and it was in tact with minor burn on the side like it had black markings but the whole bill was complete. Then I walked to my car and I believe a drug addict came and said I saw you pick up money it was $140 and it's mine. I knew it wasn't his because the amount I actually picked up was $120 and told him otherwise. I was acting so cold towards the person which took me back because I don't behave this way normally. What does this mean?The car broke down heading to work so I took a bike instead and as I was getting towards the freeway it was harder and harder to turn the pedals until I couldn't turn them anymore they became increasingly heavier. Then someone attached my bike to theirs to help me and when I got on the bike I was very high off the ground like almost 15 feet. And the bike would be swirving from side to side. I felt like I was going to fall but I never did. Eventually i got to work and when I got off I saw my husband being friendly with the person that helped me get to work but it didn't seem like he knew the person helped me. I felt uneasy about the person and couldn't put my finger on it and then I woke up

I was going to some place with

I was going to some place with my cousin. My cousin went into a different direction and told me to meet her at a location. When I went there, my cousin disappeared and then I ended up at an ice skating rink. I saw an old friend from high school who I wasn’t that close to or who I haven’t thought about in years where she asked me if I wanted to skate. While talking to her, I felt the presence of my ex boyfriend there even though I couldn’t see him. I told my former friend I don’t know how to ice skate and then my ex boyfriend came closer to me and asked me what it is that I don’t know while smiling at me. And I think a voice in the back of my head said he wanted to give us a second chance. We started walking and a few seconds later we saw my family and they had a baby with them. My ex boyfriend carried the baby as he was being told how to calm the baby down and help it burp. As he was holding the baby’s hand, his other hand was resting on my forearm while my hands were folded. My mom noticed his hand resting on my forearm and I am not sure what she was thinking but a voice in the back of my head said I don’t want her to misunderstand. Then they disappeared. Then I was walking with my family somewhere again and I saw some big boxes. One that didn’t have an address and might have belonged to me because of the way my family addressed the box’s presence by saying it cannot be sent somewhere. And one that had my current friend’s name written on it and the contents of the box included prosperity and dreams and then I rolled the box into her teaching classroom and woke up.

There is an alley full of shops

There is an alley full of shops of goldsmiths and workers. Next to that is a vertical mine, about the width of a pipe. It's full of star and heart shaped sand and dust. I end up at the entrance and enter for n apparent reason. I squeeze in, it's very dark and narrow and it feels like I can't breath anymore. My throat dries up completely. There is sand and rocks all around me, yet still I try to traverse that narrow, suffocating tunnel by crawling. Then the air gets so thin and I can't breathe. But still I manage to get to relatively open space, and I breathe in all the dust. I choke. But then I see a crevice in front of me with a natural magnetic stone because priceless coins are sticking to it. I pick up some of these coins and somehow manage to get out, I don't know how. Once I get out, I'm out of breath but well enough. I can see a hill behind me, and a very small hole. That's where I came out from, I think to myself. I get up and start walking back home, but I meet up with a family member on my way back. They ask me if I'm doing well. I just hold up my hands and tell them that I got them stars. Because the star shaped sand from inside in sticking to my palms. They get very happy and ask me where I always got it from. I just smile and then I faint, ending up back home. Then I wake up distressed

I was going through some kind of

I was going through some kind of training and we were hooking up circuit, this guy comes over to put bugs into circuit for us to troubleshoot and fix, he comes over and smashes my brand new iPhone 15 on purpose, which sets me off, somehow the instructor took his side and expelled me from class and put me on do not teach restriction, so I started walking to the front office to get this guys name so I could sue and get my money back

Celebrity mr shahrukh khan was in my

Celebrity mr shahrukh khan was in my dream. We were walking on the beach and he told me that he love me. We were holding hands and looking in each other eyes