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I dream my three year old daughter

I dream my three year old daughter has climbed a tall ladder I rush up after her. She falls and I have to catch her it's life or death and I catch her and carry her down. Then I turn around and it's happening all over again but other people are trying to help. I dreamed this after my wife and I had a big argument.

I recently have just been broken up

I recently have just been broken up with by my boyfriend . I am so so so in love with him and everything was fine and then he randomly dumped me because we got into a little argument but that wasn't the real reason he broke up with me, it turns out he just felt like we were drifting and he didnt want to lead me on anymore and that he was just starting to realize that I am not right for him. Even though for so long he would tell me he loved me more than air and would always love me and he couldn't believe that someone like me would go for a guy like him and that he felt so lucky to have me.....anyway I'm heart broken so bad that I am in therapy and on anti depressants. I'm a senior in highschool and I have to see him everyday laugh and smile, and I go home and cry for hours. So anyway I had a dream first that was me in English class asking him to please consider taking me back and he gave a distressed face to me and (this is weird) I started BEGGING for him to take me back and I told him if he did I would give him all of my weed, I don't smoke but he does and when I said this he suddenly looked interested in me again, not just because of what I had said but he was looking at me with love and compassion like he always used to. Then he kissed me and held me and it was a fantastic kiss that was slow and familiar just like our kisses always used to be it was like our minds were connected and everything was sparked with passion. And then I was smiling ear to ear knowing he was finally going to take me back and we both out on our backpacks and he grabbed my hand in his and said let's go (to our next class) and I said to him that he didnt even have to hold my hand in public if he didnt want to or didnt want people to know we were together yet I was just so happy and grateful that he was taking me back I could care less about what we did in public but he said no he wanted to hold my hand so we walked down the halls and we stopped again and I just squeeled and hug him at tight as I could telling him I'm so happy he was taking me back and he hugged me back and smiled. And while this was happening I was thinking to myself in the dream "is this real? Or is this a dream? I think it's real! Oh my gosh it IS real!" And then I kind of woke up and realized with despair that is WAS in fact a dream but I immediately went back to dreaming and (this is confusing bear with me) I went back to dreaming and I realized in this dream that my last dream was not real and I was angry at my ex for lying to me and saying he would be back together with me and now in this dream he did not. So I went to the bathroom in school and started crying his cousin was in the bathroom (she also goes to my school) and I just started venting to her about everything and then I pulled out my cell phone and called her....even though she was in the bathroom with me??? And now I was talking to her on the phone while she was in the car with my boyfriend s father and it was on speaker and I heard my boyfriend s father say "yeah shelton he just texted me and said " shelton is having a mental break down again hahahah she's crazy" and so I hung up and ran to my ex and started yelling at him asking him why he was saying mean things about me when I was hurting so bad because of him then the story just dropped and it was two random scenes, we were sitting on the floor by the cafeteria with a few of our friends and I was just sitting there sad listening to him talk like I always do at school and he randomly pulled out a cigarette and started smoking (he doesn't smoke cigarettes) and I told him if you get caught you will be in so much trouble, there is a teacher right there. And he replied to me and said "oh shit thanks" and put out his cigg. Then another random scene, we were in religion class and I was sitting there sad like I always am and even though I knew we were breaking up I went up to him and combed my fingers through his hair like I always used to do and said "I just miss you so much" and he looked very annoyed and uncomfortable and said "Uhm can you not touch me, thanks" and pulled my hands away. And then I woke up. So I was wondering of there was any symbolism in there? Could it mean he will take me back in the future or is this just like symbolizing my desires and then showing my disappointment? Thanks!!

I dreamed me and my boyfriend was

I dreamed me and my boyfriend was arguing and i told him go by his dad for a couple days we need space. It was a big argument

I had a dream I had a

I had a dream I had a argument with my daughter in law as I was going to buy her some boots but they were broken I said I'm not paying for broken boots and she said I don't mind I want them which resulted in a big argument!

Me, my sister and my deceased dad

Me, my sister and my deceased dad are at the fair. We went into a resturant in the fair. Ordered mashed potatoes and more food. I wanted to bring my bag of stuff in but the owner of the resturant told me i couldn\'t. We argued and I lost the argument. Angry, I told my father to give me the keys to the car. He gives them to me and walk outside. I saw a woman I thought was creepy. I opened the car, put the items inside and locked it. Walked inside and witnessed a prank between a person and the news station. The news staion got revenge on the person. Heard laughing.

Me, my sister and my deceased dad

Me, my sister and my deceased dad are at the fair. We went into a resturant in the fair. Ordered mashed potatoes and more food. I wanted to bring my bag of stuff in but the owner of the resturant told me i couldn't. We argued and I lost the argument. Angry, I told my father to give me the keys to the car. He gives them to me and walk outside. I saw a woman I thought was creepy. I opened the car, put the items inside and locked it. Walked back inside and witnessed a prank between a person and the news station. The news staion got revenge on the person. Heard laughing.

My dad who is deceased and my

My dad who is deceased and my mother who is still living, got into an argument about something and she punched him so hard he had a really bad seizure and died in the dream

I dream I was arguing with my

I dream I was arguing with my sister and cousin that I haven't spoken to in 3 years the argument was very loud also turned into gightinh