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I was being bullied by someone at

I was being bullied by someone at work and she bought me 2 belts one gold coloured with a big flower on it anda dress they were all too big for me I was scared but mafe her go back to the shop with me for a refund causei haf the teceipt we had an argument abouti it all and the shop manager wouldnt give arefind anyway so igot my daughter new clothes instead.

I was in the bar and i

I was in the bar and i caught eyes with a lovely girl, I was at the bar wondering if I should go for it, and then I did, the next thing I know I was sat down with her and friends and we was flirting and having a laugh, then I went back to my friend and we had a disagreement, I then returned to the girl and we kissed and I felt so happy, then we went into town, but instead of going off with her friends we went of on our own. relationship girlfriend argument friend

Me and my crush got into an

Me and my crush got into an argument but then i took control and kiss her after that we was together and so happy

I dreamed I was gambling and madw

I dreamed I was gambling and madw quite a lot of money that I needed. Then I went home and gave a stranger a lift who refused to pay me. He called himself a side stepper which means he carried snakes with him. After the argument he paid me in coins and left his black snake on my desk. I was scared and two colleagues of mine kept laughing at me telling me that it was harmless

I was walking with a group of

I was walking with a group of people and i started arguing with a girl and then after the argument the girl walked away with her boyfriend and i went home