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I dream my son was acting strange

I dream my son was acting strange then when he hit me he had unusal force and i knew he was possessed i was struggleing with him saying i bind and rebuke you satan in jesus christ name leave the boy he answers you have no power to remove me if you want me to leave the boy give me your soul i say no but by the blood of jesus you have to leave the boy i keep praying and i see a white light on my hand as i pray and he leaves my son then my dream turns to were i get into a argument then a fight with a ex friend of mine we are at walmart and she is laying on the floor and i am thinking about how i am going to go to jail for beating her up this man walks by and grabs something from her he says i wont tell if you dont tell i say ok he says go now i get outside and its darker than its ever been i cant see anything i hear people talking about how dark is and how they wonder what is happening then the man who talked to me comes out he raises his hand and says go suddenley i can see my car i get in and it dosent want to crank i finally get it cranked and it starts snowing huge amounts of snow and its sticking as fast as it comes down i am going along and dont get far down the road and it stalls and dies and i discover the man from walmart behind me he is laughing saying i got you now it was satan turns out i hadnt just beat up my ex friend i had accidentley killed her when he reached down he had took her soul then i woke up

Christmas time location moved to my parents'

Christmas time location moved to my parents' house but it was a layout familiar to their house and my grandma's last house. same family invited but also my last interns were there. feeling picked on by mom. argument with dad. called mom asshole then choked by dad where i then throw him off me into a wall and he starts crying; i then grab a glass washboard off the wall and slam it into the bathroom door frame it shatters and i wake up

Being chased by guy I got in

Being chased by guy I got in an argument with at a tanning salon (he was a cocky jerk so I told him he would die alone if he kept acting like that) I left and was hoping for a car to show up so I could get in & feel safe because I knew the guy would come after me and he started chasing me and yelling so I jumped up and started flying then I forced myself to wake up because I got scared

I dreamed about being in the family

I dreamed about being in the family home which was always a unhappy place with a strange man. In the home was my dead mother who died 8 years ago and my stepfather who is alive but was physically violent towards my dead mother, in the dream i had a argument with my dead mother about debt collectors while making tea in takeaway cups and before the argument finished my stepfather walked in and for no reason took one of the boiling hot cups of tea and threw it in my mothers face. This was something he used to do on a regular basis when my mother was alive.

I dreamed about being in the family

I dreamed about being in the family home with a guy i don't know , in the home was my mother who died 8 years ago and my stepfather who was physically violent towards my mother, in the dream i had a argument with my dead mother about debt collectors while making tea in takeaway cups and before the argument finished my stepfather walked in and for no reason took one of the boiling hot cups of tea and threw it in my mothers face. This was something he used to do on a regular basis when my mother was alive.

I dreamed about being in the family

I dreamed about being in the family home with a guy i don't know , in the home was my mother who died 8 years ago and my stepfather who was physically violent towards my mother, in the dream i had a big argument with my dead mother about debt collectors while making tea in takeaway cups and before the argument finished my stepfather walked in and for no reason took one of the boiling hot cups of tea and threw it in my mothers face. This was something he used to do on a regular basis when my mother was alive.

Am driving my car and my wife

Am driving my car and my wife sitting on the right side front seat, later we had argument then she went to the left back seat of the car. Then I found there is another person sitting on the back right seat of the car, and both of them holding their hands on top of a plastic tray, which is behind me. Then I told the other person to get out of my car, and then I moved on in the car.