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I had a dream about my dad

I had a dream about my dad coming to my house and talking to me about my dogs, trying to start an argument. But in my dream he was a stranger to me. My mom came to see what was going on and stated that he was my uncle but said my dads name. Then I realized it was my dad and I began to start crying. My dad's brother and him look very much alike. So much that my uncle has used my dad's name when he has gone to jail. My father and I use to be close when I was a little girl but lost contact with him when I was about 6 due to him with drug problems and abusing my mother and myself. He gave up his rights as a father and never really tried to get them back. He never moved out of the town and would pass by my house to try and get glances of me. I was too scared to want to spend time with him but always missed him and wanted him back in my life. He died 2years ago a month before my 18th birthday. I went to visit him in the hospital, stayed by his side, and took it very hard. He died due to his diabetes. I can't get this dream out of my head. I have had dreams of me having conversations with my dad as if he is here with me in real time, but this dream was something different.

Having an argument with mum, then mum

Having an argument with mum, then mum throwing a mug at me and just missing and hitting the brickwork in the fireplace and smashing into pieces. Wanting to escape and pleading my boyfriend who is visiting his friend Jess in Bristol, to pick me up on his way to Liverpool. He is unsure. Going for a shower and realising it is 8.45am and I need to be in work in 15mins when I am 2 hours away. Being in Russia seeing my sister age 2 with short dark curly hair and having a Russian accent to seeing her now in England. Finding out it costs £20 000 to transfer from a home in Russia and move to England. We did this with family friends when my sister was 2. Being in a massive supermarket in Russia, my boyfriend wants me to meet his two friends and I run away. Outside it is dark and raining, I get on a bike and try to escape. It is dark and dangerous I pass a jail building, I can't escape. I then cycle back to him and his friends and he said "where did you go?"

I headed inside a small crowded bus

I headed inside a small crowded bus and as i was taking the second little stair case my hand gotten stuck behind a seat and a grown man came behind me and started touching and feeling on me which made me uncomfortable. I had gotten upset and yanked my hand out from where my hand was stuck and started beating and cursing the man. So afterawhile i sat in a seat and i had gotten into another argument with a man across from me and i had gotten more upset and i stuck the middle finger at him. As i was sitting a beautiful lady that was sitting next to me this whole time looked at me and asked me "Why are you so upset?" and i remember blurting out all the reasons why i was upset than she had taken out a small bottle of ointment and took a little on her finger and rubbed it on my forhead and said a little prayer than she spoke to me for awhile than got out and made her way out the bus than i noticed a man that was with her with striking blue eyes looked at me and smiled then he had gotten up as well and followed the woman out the bus. As i was watching them walking to head into a store i noticed that instead if having feet they had hooves. The lady saw me and smiled once more and went inside but i had feeling a happiness and thought it was okay to be different.