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Some girl came up to me and

Some girl came up to me and said that u were wth her, so i started having an argument wth her... Then she literally just disappeared and the nxt thing i know is that im in a room wth u, but u wouldnt talk to me... I sat nect to u trying to ask u whats going on, but u continued to ignore me... & then i started to get upset, u just looked the other way and when i tried to hold ur hand u moved... So i went outside and started to walk down the rd crying... I dont know where i was going ... & that was the end of the dream

I am having an argument with my

I am having an argument with my father about me telling him to leave me and my brother alone, he has come into my workplace, lots of shouting and screaming, then i tell him my father doesn't exist. I walk off out the back of shop, and start punching the wall when he comes round the back. He suddenly shows me he has knife, so i try to defend myself but i end up getting stabbed and die

I am having an argument with my

I am having an argument with my dad, lots of shouting and screaming. When he suddenly shows me he has knife, so i try to defend myself but i end up getting stabbed and die

I had argument with my girlfriend for

I had argument with my girlfriend for last one month and still we are not talking but today i saw dream she is upset and getting maried with another guy