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During an argument with my uncle i

During an argument with my uncle i turned to and saw a city being bombed and attacked. Soon after zombies came from the ground and attacked my family

I was having a argument with the

I was having a argument with the guy i was dating over christmas plans. I drove off angry and was hit by a drunk driver. I was hospitalized with a concussion and broken bones. He visited me everyday

I got into an argument with my

I got into an argument with my girlfriend and suddenly I am in a car with her and my best friend. My girlfriend pushes my best friends car over the curb with my best friend in it and the car splits in half. I was brawling and speechless.

My husband and i are i a

My husband and i are i a room which seems like a bedroom we were intimate and about which seems half an hour later my husband got out of bed and was sitting in another room dressed. i approched him aend asked why was he dressed as to go out and he gave me a disgruntled answer. there was a know on the door and his sister-in-law was at the door to pick him up. he left and sat in her car and his sister-in-law came into the what seemed to be a hotel room to collect his bag. i confronted her and we got into an abusive argument at which point i told her why is she always protecting and defending my husband and interferring with our lives. she and i were at each other verbally and i approached my husband in the car but he did not speak my dream ended by me screaming at the sister-in-law