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In my dream I was having sex

In my dream I was having sex with my partner and at the point of climax shit squirted out of him..It scared me. the next thing was I was in a room with loads of people and there were arguments happening. I had a knife in my hand and the man (not my partner) in my dream pushed his self into the blade. It ended with we shouting call 911.. I live in the UK it should have been 999. Any idea ? I can't get it out of my mind

Its ma wedding day and the mass

Its ma wedding day and the mass starts late,the father is furious because we are late,my hair is not combed.before i entered the church had an argument with an aunt.

Doing a living on job, and dreamt

Doing a living on job, and dreamt that 3 people were having a heated argument with me on the job for 4 consecutive times. and i also dreamt of a seeing an aquiantance who has a multimillion dollar business in my country and offered to do business with me so i left to my country of origin on my arrival this person was manipulated and he disappointed me big time

I was in an argument with my

I was in an argument with my ex- girlfriend . We were splitting after a 9 1/2 year relationship. We still lived together and I was going to keep the house. She was upset, angry, and mean to me because I hadn't taken care of the mortgage transfer yet. She was yelling at me to either take care of it or that she was keeping the house and that I would be forced to move out. I was upset because I felt like my integrity was being questioned. I awoke feeling anxious but determined to take care of all of my responsibilities because I had already been working on them. I was very impatient with the progress and wanted everything to be completed as quickly as possible.

I was at a party with my

I was at a party with my husband and my ex- boyfriend also happened to be there. Both men were wearing military uniforms. My ex- boyfriend asked me to dance with him because he was leaving soon and didn't know when he'd see me again. I said yes. Afterward my ex- boyfriend and my husband were arguing but I couldn't hear the argument. Later I was sitting at a table and my ex- boyfriend came to sit with me. He looked me in the eyes and told me that he still loved me and that he loves me more with each passing day. I hesitated a while before telling him that I love him, too. I felt both excited and scared by my ex- boyfriend 's profession of love because I didn't want to hurt my husband who I also love very much.

I was at a party with my

I was at a party with my husband and my ex- boyfriend also happened to be there. My ex- boyfriend asked me to dance with him because he was leaving soon and didn't know when he'd see me again. I said yes. Afterward my ex- boyfriend and my husband were arguing but I couldn't hear the argument. Later I was sitting at a table and my ex- boyfriend came to sit with me. He looked me in the eyes and told me that he still loved me and that he loves me more with each passing day. I hesitated a while before telling him that I love him, too.