I had a dream in which there was a dangerous creature in front of me but I knew I was safe from it. But there was a man behind me, whom I considered my ally and he firmly pulled me away from the creature with his right arm, his hand was placed on my chest and he was touching me on the middle of my torso with curiosity. I took his hands into my own just to observe his hands. His hands were very masculine, squarish, big and beautiful. The man didn't mind me gently holding and looking at his hands so I looked at them for a long time.
I was in the middle of the desert it was dried and cracked then I saw my family and an army of people ran after us to kill me but then i slipped and fell down i tried screaming but no sound was coming I tried crawling but I was in the same place I tried both screaming and crawling but nothing happened my family left me behind
My dream looped so the same scene played over and over. I had went down a friend’s house, they’d invite me in, and then we’d end up going outside through the back door where they had some sort of outside circus, but no circus tent. As I walked around I came across a smaller tent but it was full of my friends, around 5 people, who were surgeons. They were cleaning medical tools as if they were preparing for surgery. I left shortly after that and came across some giraffes. 2 adults and a baby giraffe. They were standing side by side with the baby in the middle, but I went up and pet the baby giraffe and it seemed to love the attention. After that my dream would replay from the beginning where I arrive at my friend’s house.
I was walking on the rooftop of a school and had to walk a distance to get down. I noticed some students walking to the edge of the building and they stepped off the roof and plunged downwards. One of them was from my drama class at Haig Girls' called Mia. Curious, I looked over the roof and saw that there was a giant trampoline at the foot of the school right where they walked off the roof. I wanted to follow suit but was very afraid. A few girls stepped off the roof in the meantime Opposite this school building is a school called Teck Whye primary school. Suddenly, a flood came. I know it's because of the rain, but I don't remember if I could feel it. The water rose till it reached the roof.at the opposite school, the water had covered the entire roof except for the middle part. Someone came to me on her motorboat and I hitched a ride. : For some reason, after she'd sent me through the centre path of the opposite school roof, I found myself in a mystical but dusty room with many books and artefacts. I don't remember what 1 took, but before I knew it, I was back where I first started, with the flood still happening, holding some books and artefacts in my arms (in paper bags), just as quickly as it started, the water of the flood started to drain and the water levels dropped quickly. I stepped of the rooftop the way Is saw my students did and iwas enveloped by the murky green water I felt the water receding quickly and as I passed through branches very quickly, I landed on the trampoline which now looks like a crash mat. A lady and a man (who was in priest garbs ) met me at the crash mat. I showed them the artefacts and books I'd saved And the priest nodded at me. He told me to take The magick books and leave the rest behind. I asked about the paperbag of bronze people statues who looked like mother many and he said to leave those behind too. I was reluctant to do so, but did as he said and took the magick books.
A dark room with a casket in the middle of it when i got close to the casket my mom was the one inside of it. Then a man with no face picked my mom up by one arm and one leg and started swinging her over his head then let go and hit the wall and slide down it.
Explain what my dreams means : I had 3 dreams. The first dream is about 3 passports, the Fijian passport untouched by cockroaches, the American bitten all over, and the UN passport only the front cover and back cover bitten.. the rest inside is untouched. The second dream is I am sitting the in the middle, beside me is this 2 Israel generals older putting the soldier rank onto my shoulders uniform. The third dream is I am speaking to thousands and millions of soldiers they wearing white all over, white boots, white weapons, and for me I’m wearing the israel soldier uniform. What does my dream mean?
A man on a horse with bowl and arrow spraying fire all over and i was in the middle
I just had a dream where i was coming from town but when i was about to approach our house i saw the door open but i remember it was closed but it seemed as there was a candle burning inside but when i got inside the table was broken only at the middle and i immediately went out side and started crying and people were just looking at me in that dream.
I just had a dream where i was coming from town but when i was about to approach our house i saw the door open but i remember it was closed but it seemed as there was a candle burning inside but when i got inside the table was broken only at the middle and i immediately went out side and started crying in that dream.
A girl confessed her love to me in the middle of the night and suddenly gone and I was chasing her but I never found her