Cleaning up
and somebody abeent mindly throws s cigarette in to clean area
That a guy and girl were throwing or flicking cigarettes at me trying to make me fall into a square hole
I am eating something and realize too late that it's gross, like cigarette ashes or something and when I eat it I wake up gagging and coughing trying to clear my throat.
I smoked a cigarette
It was night time I was staying at a school. I smoked weed with a group of older people in the football field. There was a shed in the back of the school with fireworks in a barrel next to it. I hid some fireworks in the shed while smoking a cigarette. The sun starts rising and I see a man pretending to dress as a firefighter. He starts pouring gasoline out of a gas tank all across the backside of the school. And lights it on fire. The fore was put out and the man was arrested. Later on after it's already turned day I meet two children at the front of the school. Little girl named Abigail with brown curly hair and big brown eyes and a round face. They were playing on a catapult. I smoke a cigarette and leave the school
I had a dream I was smoking cigarettes, and I don't even smoke. I was spending time with someone, a guy I am pretty sure of it. It was night-time and it was serene.
I had a dream that i was smoking cigarettes, and I actually really hate smoking. I was hanging out with someone, and it was nighttime. I know it was serene. that is all i remember
My mom was upset with her husband and I found myself down in the basement where there was a fully designed, furnished and renovated home setting. I noticed there was a green object on the table in front of the tv. I walk a little further and I saw a room that had my back pack open and I saw an open back of cigarettes. my mom then appeared and began questioning me and I was letting her know where I came from, since she believed something else.
I dreamed a customer came into the restaurant I own and was smoking. She put her cigarette out on the carpet.
Cheating ghost haunted car smoke cigarette