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Dreams inside the database entered to be analyzed and interpreted - search dreams containing symbols of your dream

I had a dream of a big

I had a dream of a big wave that turns out flooding around the area I was in. I was in small restaurant with a lot of guys. Those guys were I met when I was college. I was with an old woman and young guy. The same vibe when I told you yesterday I had a dream of a young guy and I hold his hand like I intertwined his hand

My significant other and I were at

My significant other and I were at a restaurant as we got up to view the sceneries our table was put up and we could not remember our waitress causing us to dine and dash

I dreamed that me and my significant

I dreamed that me and my significant other opened a restaurant. On opening night he was not there I wasn’t stressed out. A lot of ppl came the restaurant turned into a club after 2-6.. on night two he came n I showed him the back storage and stuff.

In dream my husband took me to

In dream my husband took me to fancy restaurant for our anniversary. We were eating delicious pig semen dumplings by candlelight and it was very romantic. Woke up very happy and hungry too.