In reality iam not married in my dream i get married and i have twins and one son we lead a normal life when we go to office in our steps misterious god weapon is placed in down stares mysterious women told me dont worries not happen today after she said June 09, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt that my grandma is in a cult. She performs her cult with her friends full of women in my parents house when they ain't around. So there was a woman leader who instructed the women to pull down their panties for her to insert her hand in their private parts. So I saw myself there and she ordered me to do the same and I gave an excuse that I was on my period. She said next time I shouldn't come on my period. I literally saw her inserting her hand into my grandma private parts. March 02, 2024 > Read Dream Analysis
There was a man. He was magical and bright. He looked like a King like the ones from old paintings. He had a handsome & stubbled face. He was around somewhere in his late 30's. I think I was enal enamoured by him. I don't remember it vividly, its all in a haze. I He loved me, I And I loved him. It suppose was a only hill station it was like he was the warmth I had. I think he was a king of a magical country that I had no idea of. But, he was married and he had kids. He was forced to make a choice. I was with friends and suddenly a young woman took my hand and began leading me away from my friends. Once we were far enough, she said he'd chosen me. She was his wife, the mother of his children. She walked me to a basement and I saw. my family there, He was there, too, with his children. I then realised that she would still be his wife and I would surely be the second option, always. Yet, I agreed and there was a ceremony after that. All my friends were there, majority of them were boys. Their faces were obscure but I saw a few familiar ones; Amrutha, Ananya, Samarth, Aditya, Hitesh, Rakshit One by one would put a kind of flower in my hair and tie a thread around wrist. Then, they sat apart from the rest the attenders. No matter how much tried to make them smile and talk, they didn't. They were not happy to be there. It was time for them to leave and slowly they disappeared. Next thing I know, I won was running the balcony, hoping to spot them on street. I saw them, all of them walking. away like it was nothing. But Samarth turned back and looked at me. I didn't want them to go away, to leave like that. But I understood that if I married this man, I would lose all my friends forever. I love them, all of them and for the first time the chill of the hills hit me and I wouldn't feel the warmth. Before I could do anything else I woke up November 13, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I was having a sleepover with my boyfriend , a girl I'm not very close with but me and her talk, and some other people. Me and my boyfriend got into a small fight because I pulled his hair and he says that he wants me to stop pulling his hair. I walk away, angry, and go up into my room and as I'm walking up the stairs I can see my boyfriend talking to one of his friends saying "I have to go get my girl." and he comes up the stairs, following me, and tries to give me a hug but I don't hug him back. Then the girl I'm not very close with comes and gets me and invites me to go downstairs with her so we can watch a movie and explains that she's already asked the grandma that was there, I had never see this women before in my life but we went downstairs and stayed down there for a little before everyone comes down with us. Someone suggests an activity and I say okay, but I'm going to change into my pajamas. I go upstairs, and see a fight in the living room between two girls I've never seen before, and I saw one of my old friends who I haven't spoken to in a long time, and I stood next to her and she gave me a smile and we started talking and they were really fighting, one of the girls were getting beat up really badly and she was crying begging the other to stop, while the other was attacking her. And the girl that was attacking her grabbed her butt in a very weird way. Then a girl in the wheelchair intervened and said stop, and then when I turned my head it wasn't my old friend anymore it was my sister and we were making jokes, then we all starting singing a part in a theme song of a kid's show and the girl in the wheelchair turned out to be a girl I know from cheerleading, and she was no longer crippled and instead walking and talking fine. November 10, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at a friend's house, and his parent's bed was in the middle of the house. next to the bed, some stairs lead to an underground animal room. the first room had fish tanks. a bed with fish tanks around it. but it is all crocodiles, sharks and piranhas. the friend threw food at us so that the crocodiles could eat us or the food. in the second room was a kid's play area with what looked like a black lion and a white lion, somehow I ended up in the play area. the entire place was deflating like a jumping castle and the cage to the lions were open as I exited the gate a lion was in front of me as I turned around it grabbed me on my shoulder. then it cut to me being on a highway trying to tell people there was a zombie attack happening. everyone is dying around me. and everything repeated again February 09, 2024 > Read Dream Analysis
The dream started off. I was at my house, but it was bigger like way bigger I was doing something upstairs I needed to go downstairs to get some thing so I went downstairs to the downstairs bathroom. So I went and got it as we’re going to the bathroom. Ama is talking to my mum and I looked at her and she looked at me and smiled. I got what I was looking for and I was finished getting ready and then I came back upstairs because I was done but when I came downstairs, Ama was in the music room playing the piano, so I want to talk to my cousin and my siblings. She came shortly after and we were talking. Somehow I ended up in my garage and it was so clean and big so it was my cousin Ama , Simien, and Simiya they’re all just conversing and chilling waiting for everyone to get out and get the fuck on somehow that lead Ama to go on a walk and come back with an injured bird. I’m a boy holding the bird in her arms, and it looks like an heron or a duck. I told her to place it somewhere comfy and that will look at it when we come back so she does just that and now we are finally leaving but something makes us go back inside to my brothers bathroom. Ama follows me and we hear a really good be coming from my brothers room. I ignore it and walk to the other way, but she was trying to look into it so she starts towards my brothers room and I start to push her the other way so we can get in the car and she was like “oh no” and I was like “come on ignore it in the car” as she’s pushing against me she’s sliding because she has socks on and I’m laughing because I’m strong as fuck and she’s way taller than me now everyone is outside my cousin sister, Nikengie is also out there talking to your friend with me and Amme walk out. She got from Nikengie up and proceed to the car for some reason Aunty Chelle and some woman from reality TV is there any sitting in the back I’m gonna get in the front passenger in my siblings make me sit in between the woman in my aunt I didn’t want to and I was like you always do this shit, and got in the bag and sat down my eyes started watering but I wasn’t sad. My aunt and the lady were like you don’t want to sit with us and I said no we started driving and then I woke up. I don’t know where my sister Sasha was or my dad. September 21, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
A battle with 2 armies. I helped lead 1 army and wielded a sword and shield. My army was armoured men and women. Our opponents were magical monsters created by a witch in a tower using a magical orb. We had to fight our way through the army to get to the tower. Once we had destroyed the monster army, we confronted the witch in the tower. I goaded her with harsh jokes about her appearance into revealing herself. For some reason the jokes were all 20th century cultural references. Our army was uneasy about the references and did not quite understand them at first but quickly got onboard with them and started to laugh all at once. This infuriated the witch who reversed course and headed to the top of her tower again. The witch had a big hole in her face where her mouth and nose should be. When she revealed herslf a girl shot her magic orb away from her using a bow and arrow. I picked it up and began to destroy it. The fact was that unless I believed I could destroy the orb, then it could not be broken. And it did not break no matter how much i hit it and dashed it to the floor. Once I truly committed myself to destroying it, and beleieved i would destroy it, it shattered. Once it broke, my fist went all the way through it and the tower that the witch lived in began to crumble and the witch began to shrivel up and die. An orchestral symphonic piece of music began to play and once the tower had fallen it exploded. August 11, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreams about my dead grandmother : I dreamed that my dead grandmother was with me holding my hand leading me across a field but then she was gone July 02, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis